/* * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __LP64__ #import "WebBaseNetscapePluginStream.h" #import "WebBaseNetscapePluginView.h" #import "WebKitErrorsPrivate.h" #import "WebKitLogging.h" #import "WebNSObjectExtras.h" #import "WebNSURLExtras.h" #import "WebNetscapePluginPackage.h" #import #import #import #import #define WEB_REASON_NONE -1 static char *CarbonPathFromPOSIXPath(const char *posixPath); typedef HashMap StreamMap; static StreamMap& streams() { static StreamMap staticStreams; return staticStreams; } @implementation WebBaseNetscapePluginStream #ifndef BUILDING_ON_TIGER + (void)initialize { WebCoreObjCFinalizeOnMainThread(self); } #endif + (NPP)ownerForStream:(NPStream *)stream { return streams().get(stream); } + (NPReason)reasonForError:(NSError *)error { if (error == nil) { return NPRES_DONE; } if ([[error domain] isEqualToString:NSURLErrorDomain] && [error code] == NSURLErrorCancelled) { return NPRES_USER_BREAK; } return NPRES_NETWORK_ERR; } - (NSError *)_pluginCancelledConnectionError { return [[[NSError alloc] _initWithPluginErrorCode:WebKitErrorPlugInCancelledConnection contentURL:responseURL != nil ? responseURL : requestURL pluginPageURL:nil pluginName:[[pluginView pluginPackage] name] MIMEType:MIMEType] autorelease]; } - (NSError *)errorForReason:(NPReason)theReason { if (theReason == NPRES_DONE) { return nil; } if (theReason == NPRES_USER_BREAK) { return [NSError _webKitErrorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:NSURLErrorCancelled URL:responseURL != nil ? responseURL : requestURL]; } return [self _pluginCancelledConnectionError]; } - (id)initWithRequestURL:(NSURL *)theRequestURL plugin:(NPP)thePlugin notifyData:(void *)theNotifyData sendNotification:(BOOL)flag { [super init]; // Temporarily set isTerminated to YES to avoid assertion failure in dealloc in case we are released in this method. isTerminated = YES; if (theRequestURL == nil || thePlugin == NULL) { [self release]; return nil; } [self setRequestURL:theRequestURL]; [self setPlugin:thePlugin]; notifyData = theNotifyData; sendNotification = flag; streams().add(&stream, thePlugin); isTerminated = NO; return self; } - (void)dealloc { ASSERT(!plugin); ASSERT(isTerminated); ASSERT(stream.ndata == nil); // The stream file should have been deleted, and the path freed, in -_destroyStream ASSERT(!path); [requestURL release]; [responseURL release]; [MIMEType release]; [pluginView release]; [deliveryData release]; free((void *)stream.url); free(path); free(headers); streams().remove(&stream); [super dealloc]; } - (void)finalize { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); ASSERT(isTerminated); ASSERT(stream.ndata == nil); // The stream file should have been deleted, and the path freed, in -_destroyStream ASSERT(!path); free((void *)stream.url); free(path); free(headers); streams().remove(&stream); [super finalize]; } - (uint16)transferMode { return transferMode; } - (NPP)plugin { return plugin; } - (void)setRequestURL:(NSURL *)theRequestURL { [theRequestURL retain]; [requestURL release]; requestURL = theRequestURL; } - (void)setResponseURL:(NSURL *)theResponseURL { [theResponseURL retain]; [responseURL release]; responseURL = theResponseURL; } - (void)setPlugin:(NPP)thePlugin { if (thePlugin) { plugin = thePlugin; pluginView = [(WebBaseNetscapePluginView *)plugin->ndata retain]; WebNetscapePluginPackage *pluginPackage = [pluginView pluginPackage]; NPP_NewStream = [pluginPackage NPP_NewStream]; NPP_WriteReady = [pluginPackage NPP_WriteReady]; NPP_Write = [pluginPackage NPP_Write]; NPP_StreamAsFile = [pluginPackage NPP_StreamAsFile]; NPP_DestroyStream = [pluginPackage NPP_DestroyStream]; NPP_URLNotify = [pluginPackage NPP_URLNotify]; } else { WebBaseNetscapePluginView *view = pluginView; plugin = NULL; NPP_NewStream = NULL; NPP_WriteReady = NULL; NPP_Write = NULL; NPP_StreamAsFile = NULL; NPP_DestroyStream = NULL; NPP_URLNotify = NULL; pluginView = nil; [view disconnectStream:self]; [view release]; } } - (void)setMIMEType:(NSString *)theMIMEType { [theMIMEType retain]; [MIMEType release]; MIMEType = theMIMEType; } - (void)startStreamResponseURL:(NSURL *)URL expectedContentLength:(long long)expectedContentLength lastModifiedDate:(NSDate *)lastModifiedDate MIMEType:(NSString *)theMIMEType headers:(NSData *)theHeaders { ASSERT(!isTerminated); [self setResponseURL:URL]; [self setMIMEType:theMIMEType]; free((void *)stream.url); stream.url = strdup([responseURL _web_URLCString]); stream.ndata = self; stream.end = expectedContentLength > 0 ? (uint32)expectedContentLength : 0; stream.lastmodified = (uint32)[lastModifiedDate timeIntervalSince1970]; stream.notifyData = notifyData; if (theHeaders) { unsigned len = [theHeaders length]; headers = (char*) malloc(len + 1); [theHeaders getBytes:headers]; headers[len] = 0; stream.headers = headers; } transferMode = NP_NORMAL; offset = 0; reason = WEB_REASON_NONE; // FIXME: Need a way to check if stream is seekable WebBaseNetscapePluginView *pv = pluginView; [pv willCallPlugInFunction]; NPError npErr = NPP_NewStream(plugin, (char *)[MIMEType UTF8String], &stream, NO, &transferMode); [pv didCallPlugInFunction]; LOG(Plugins, "NPP_NewStream URL=%@ MIME=%@ error=%d", responseURL, MIMEType, npErr); if (npErr != NPERR_NO_ERROR) { LOG_ERROR("NPP_NewStream failed with error: %d responseURL: %@", npErr, responseURL); // Calling cancelLoadWithError: cancels the load, but doesn't call NPP_DestroyStream. [self cancelLoadWithError:[self _pluginCancelledConnectionError]]; return; } switch (transferMode) { case NP_NORMAL: LOG(Plugins, "Stream type: NP_NORMAL"); break; case NP_ASFILEONLY: LOG(Plugins, "Stream type: NP_ASFILEONLY"); break; case NP_ASFILE: LOG(Plugins, "Stream type: NP_ASFILE"); break; case NP_SEEK: LOG_ERROR("Stream type: NP_SEEK not yet supported"); [self cancelLoadAndDestroyStreamWithError:[self _pluginCancelledConnectionError]]; break; default: LOG_ERROR("unknown stream type"); } } - (void)startStreamWithResponse:(NSURLResponse *)r { NSMutableData *theHeaders = nil; if ([r isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) { NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)r; theHeaders = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:1024]; // FIXME: it would be nice to be able to get the raw HTTP header block. // This includes the HTTP version, the real status text, // all headers in their original order and including duplicates, // and all original bytes verbatim, rather than sent through Unicode translation. // Unfortunately NSHTTPURLResponse doesn't provide access at that low a level. [theHeaders appendBytes:"HTTP " length:5]; char statusStr[10]; long statusCode = [httpResponse statusCode]; snprintf(statusStr, sizeof(statusStr), "%ld", statusCode); [theHeaders appendBytes:statusStr length:strlen(statusStr)]; [theHeaders appendBytes:" OK\n" length:4]; // HACK: pass the headers through as UTF-8. // This is not the intended behavior; we're supposed to pass original bytes verbatim. // But we don't have the original bytes, we have NSStrings built by the URL loading system. // It hopefully shouldn't matter, since RFC2616/RFC822 require ASCII-only headers, // but surely someone out there is using non-ASCII characters, and hopefully UTF-8 is adequate here. // It seems better than NSASCIIStringEncoding, which will lose information if non-ASCII is used. NSDictionary *headerDict = [httpResponse allHeaderFields]; NSArray *keys = [[headerDict allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]; NSEnumerator *i = [keys objectEnumerator]; NSString *k; while ((k = [i nextObject]) != nil) { NSString *v = [headerDict objectForKey:k]; [theHeaders appendData:[k dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [theHeaders appendBytes:": " length:2]; [theHeaders appendData:[v dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [theHeaders appendBytes:"\n" length:1]; } // startStreamResponseURL:... will null-terminate. } [self startStreamResponseURL:[r URL] expectedContentLength:[r expectedContentLength] lastModifiedDate:WKGetNSURLResponseLastModifiedDate(r) MIMEType:[r MIMEType] headers:theHeaders]; } - (void)_destroyStream { if (isTerminated) return; [self retain]; ASSERT(reason != WEB_REASON_NONE); ASSERT([deliveryData length] == 0); [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_deliverData) object:nil]; if (stream.ndata != nil) { if (reason == NPRES_DONE && (transferMode == NP_ASFILE || transferMode == NP_ASFILEONLY)) { ASSERT(path != NULL); char *carbonPath = CarbonPathFromPOSIXPath(path); ASSERT(carbonPath != NULL); WebBaseNetscapePluginView *pv = pluginView; [pv willCallPlugInFunction]; NPP_StreamAsFile(plugin, &stream, carbonPath); [pv didCallPlugInFunction]; // Delete the file after calling NPP_StreamAsFile(), instead of in -dealloc/-finalize. It should be OK // to delete the file here -- NPP_StreamAsFile() is always called immediately before NPP_DestroyStream() // (the stream destruction function), so there can be no expectation that a plugin will read the stream // file asynchronously after NPP_StreamAsFile() is called. unlink(path); free(path); path = NULL; LOG(Plugins, "NPP_StreamAsFile responseURL=%@ path=%s", responseURL, carbonPath); free(carbonPath); if (isTerminated) goto exit; } NPError npErr; WebBaseNetscapePluginView *pv = pluginView; [pv willCallPlugInFunction]; npErr = NPP_DestroyStream(plugin, &stream, reason); [pv didCallPlugInFunction]; LOG(Plugins, "NPP_DestroyStream responseURL=%@ error=%d", responseURL, npErr); free(headers); headers = NULL; stream.headers = NULL; stream.ndata = nil; if (isTerminated) goto exit; } if (sendNotification) { // NPP_URLNotify expects the request URL, not the response URL. WebBaseNetscapePluginView *pv = pluginView; [pv willCallPlugInFunction]; NPP_URLNotify(plugin, [requestURL _web_URLCString], reason, notifyData); [pv didCallPlugInFunction]; LOG(Plugins, "NPP_URLNotify requestURL=%@ reason=%d", requestURL, reason); } isTerminated = YES; [self setPlugin:NULL]; exit: [self release]; } - (void)_destroyStreamWithReason:(NPReason)theReason { reason = theReason; if (reason != NPRES_DONE) { // Stop any pending data from being streamed. [deliveryData setLength:0]; } else if ([deliveryData length] > 0) { // There is more data to be streamed, don't destroy the stream now. return; } [self _destroyStream]; ASSERT(stream.ndata == nil); } - (void)cancelLoadWithError:(NSError *)error { // Overridden by subclasses. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } - (void)destroyStreamWithError:(NSError *)error { [self _destroyStreamWithReason:[[self class] reasonForError:error]]; } - (void)cancelLoadAndDestroyStreamWithError:(NSError *)error { [self retain]; [self cancelLoadWithError:error]; [self destroyStreamWithError:error]; [self setPlugin:NULL]; [self release]; } - (void)finishedLoadingWithData:(NSData *)data { if (!stream.ndata) return; if ((transferMode == NP_ASFILE || transferMode == NP_ASFILEONLY) && !path) { path = strdup("/tmp/WebKitPlugInStreamXXXXXX"); int fd = mkstemp(path); if (fd == -1) { // This should almost never happen. LOG_ERROR("can't make temporary file, almost certainly a problem with /tmp"); // This is not a network error, but the only error codes are "network error" and "user break". [self _destroyStreamWithReason:NPRES_NETWORK_ERR]; free(path); path = NULL; return; } int dataLength = [data length]; if (dataLength > 0) { int byteCount = write(fd, [data bytes], dataLength); if (byteCount != dataLength) { // This happens only rarely, when we are out of disk space or have a disk I/O error. LOG_ERROR("error writing to temporary file, errno %d", errno); close(fd); // This is not a network error, but the only error codes are "network error" and "user break". [self _destroyStreamWithReason:NPRES_NETWORK_ERR]; free(path); path = NULL; return; } } close(fd); } [self _destroyStreamWithReason:NPRES_DONE]; } - (void)_deliverData { if (!stream.ndata || [deliveryData length] == 0) return; [self retain]; int32 totalBytes = [deliveryData length]; int32 totalBytesDelivered = 0; while (totalBytesDelivered < totalBytes) { WebBaseNetscapePluginView *pv = pluginView; [pv willCallPlugInFunction]; int32 deliveryBytes = NPP_WriteReady(plugin, &stream); [pv didCallPlugInFunction]; LOG(Plugins, "NPP_WriteReady responseURL=%@ bytes=%d", responseURL, deliveryBytes); if (isTerminated) goto exit; if (deliveryBytes <= 0) { // Plug-in can't receive anymore data right now. Send it later. [self performSelector:@selector(_deliverData) withObject:nil afterDelay:0]; break; } else { deliveryBytes = MIN(deliveryBytes, totalBytes - totalBytesDelivered); NSData *subdata = [deliveryData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(totalBytesDelivered, deliveryBytes)]; pv = pluginView; [pv willCallPlugInFunction]; deliveryBytes = NPP_Write(plugin, &stream, offset, [subdata length], (void *)[subdata bytes]); [pv didCallPlugInFunction]; if (deliveryBytes < 0) { // Netscape documentation says that a negative result from NPP_Write means cancel the load. [self cancelLoadAndDestroyStreamWithError:[self _pluginCancelledConnectionError]]; return; } deliveryBytes = MIN((unsigned)deliveryBytes, [subdata length]); offset += deliveryBytes; totalBytesDelivered += deliveryBytes; LOG(Plugins, "NPP_Write responseURL=%@ bytes=%d total-delivered=%d/%d", responseURL, deliveryBytes, offset, stream.end); } } if (totalBytesDelivered > 0) { if (totalBytesDelivered < totalBytes) { NSMutableData *newDeliveryData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:totalBytes - totalBytesDelivered]; [newDeliveryData appendBytes:(char *)[deliveryData bytes] + totalBytesDelivered length:totalBytes - totalBytesDelivered]; [deliveryData release]; deliveryData = newDeliveryData; } else { [deliveryData setLength:0]; if (reason != WEB_REASON_NONE) { [self _destroyStream]; } } } exit: [self release]; } - (void)receivedData:(NSData *)data { ASSERT([data length] > 0); if (transferMode != NP_ASFILEONLY) { if (!deliveryData) { deliveryData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:[data length]]; } [deliveryData appendData:data]; [self _deliverData]; } } @end static char *CarbonPathFromPOSIXPath(const char *posixPath) { // Doesn't add a trailing colon for directories; this is a problem for paths to a volume, // so this function would need to be revised if we ever wanted to call it with that. CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(NULL, (const UInt8 *)posixPath, strlen(posixPath), false); if (url) { CFStringRef hfsPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLHFSPathStyle); CFRelease(url); if (hfsPath) { CFIndex bufSize = CFStringGetMaximumSizeOfFileSystemRepresentation(hfsPath); char* filename = static_cast(malloc(bufSize)); CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(hfsPath, filename, bufSize); CFRelease(hfsPath); return filename; } } return NULL; } #endif