/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "WebSearchableTextView.h" #import "WebDocumentPrivate.h" #import "WebTypesInternal.h" @interface NSString (_Web_StringTextFinding) - (NSRange)findString:(NSString *)string selectedRange:(NSRange)selectedRange options:(unsigned)mask wrap:(BOOL)wrapFlag; @end @implementation WebSearchableTextView - (BOOL)searchFor: (NSString *)string direction: (BOOL)forward caseSensitive: (BOOL)caseFlag wrap: (BOOL)wrapFlag; { if (![string length]) return NO; BOOL lastFindWasSuccessful = NO; NSString *textContents = [self string]; unsigned textLength; if (textContents && (textLength = [textContents length])) { NSRange range; unsigned options = 0; if (!forward) options |= NSBackwardsSearch; if (!caseFlag) options |= NSCaseInsensitiveSearch; range = [textContents findString:string selectedRange:[self selectedRange] options:options wrap:wrapFlag]; if (range.length) { [self setSelectedRange:range]; [self scrollRangeToVisible:range]; lastFindWasSuccessful = YES; } } return lastFindWasSuccessful; } - (void)copy:(id)sender { if ([self isRichText]) { [super copy:sender]; }else{ //Convert CRLF to LF to workaround: 3105538 - Carbon doesn't convert text with CRLF to LF NSMutableString *string = [[[self string] substringWithRange:[self selectedRange]] mutableCopy]; [string replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\r\n" withString:@"\n" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])]; NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [pasteboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:self]; [pasteboard setString:string forType:NSStringPboardType]; } } - (NSRect)selectionRect { // Note that this method would work for any NSTextView; some day we might want to use it // for an NSTextView that isn't a WebTextView. NSRect result = NSZeroRect; // iterate over multiple selected ranges NSEnumerator *rangeEnumerator = [[self selectedRanges] objectEnumerator]; NSValue *rangeAsValue; while ((rangeAsValue = [rangeEnumerator nextObject]) != nil) { NSRange range = [rangeAsValue rangeValue]; NSUInteger rectCount; NSRectArray rectArray = [[self layoutManager] rectArrayForCharacterRange:range withinSelectedCharacterRange:range inTextContainer:[self textContainer] rectCount:&rectCount]; unsigned i; // iterate over multiple rects in each selected range for (i = 0; i < rectCount; ++i) { NSRect rect = rectArray[i]; if (NSEqualRects(result, NSZeroRect)) { result = rect; } else { result = NSUnionRect(result, rect); } } } return result; } - (NSImage *)selectionImageForcingBlackText:(BOOL)forceBlackText { // This is here to complete the protocol, but it was introduced after this // class was deprecated so there's no implementation. return nil; } - (NSImage *)selectionImageForcingWhiteText:(BOOL)forceWhiteText { // This is here to complete the protocol, but it was introduced after this // class was deprecated so there's no implementation. return nil; } - (NSRect)selectionImageRect { // This is here to complete the protocol, but it was introduced after this // class was deprecated so there's no implementation. return NSZeroRect; } - (NSArray *)selectionTextRects { // This is here to complete the protocol, but it was introduced after this // class was deprecated so there's no implementation. return nil; } - (NSView *)selectionView { return self; } - (NSArray *)pasteboardTypesForSelection { return [self writablePasteboardTypes]; } - (void)writeSelectionWithPasteboardTypes:(NSArray *)types toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard { [self writeSelectionToPasteboard:pasteboard types:types]; } - (BOOL)supportsTextEncoding { return YES; } - (NSString *)string { return [super string]; } - (NSAttributedString *)attributedString { return [self attributedSubstringFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [[self string] length])]; } - (NSString *)selectedString { return [[self string] substringWithRange:[self selectedRange]]; } - (NSAttributedString *)selectedAttributedString { return [self attributedSubstringFromRange:[self selectedRange]]; } - (void)selectAll { [self setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, [[self string] length])]; } - (void)deselectAll { [self setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0,0)]; } @end @implementation NSString (_Web_StringTextFinding) - (NSRange)findString:(NSString *)string selectedRange:(NSRange)selectedRange options:(unsigned)options wrap:(BOOL)wrap { BOOL forwards = (options & NSBackwardsSearch) == 0; unsigned length = [self length]; NSRange searchRange, range; // Our search algorithm, used in WebCore also, is to search in the selection first. If the found text is the // entire selection, then we search again from just past the selection. if (forwards) { // FIXME: If selectedRange has length of 0, we ignore it, which is appropriate for non-editable text (since // a zero-length selection in non-editable is invisible). We might want to change this someday to only ignore the // selection if its location is NSNotFound when the text is editable (and similarly for the backwards case). searchRange.location = selectedRange.length > 0 ? selectedRange.location : 0; searchRange.length = length - searchRange.location; range = [self rangeOfString:string options:options range:searchRange]; // If found range matches (non-empty) selection, search again from just past selection if (range.location != NSNotFound && NSEqualRanges(range, selectedRange)) { searchRange.location = NSMaxRange(selectedRange); searchRange.length = length - searchRange.location; range = [self rangeOfString:string options:options range:searchRange]; } // If not found, search again from the beginning. Make search range large enough that // we'll find a match even if it partially overlapped the existing selection (including the // case where it exactly matches the existing selection). if ((range.length == 0) && wrap) { searchRange.location = 0; searchRange.length = selectedRange.location + selectedRange.length + [string length]; if (searchRange.length > length) { searchRange.length = length; } range = [self rangeOfString:string options:options range:searchRange]; } } else { searchRange.location = 0; searchRange.length = selectedRange.length > 0 ? NSMaxRange(selectedRange) : length; range = [self rangeOfString:string options:options range:searchRange]; // If found range matches (non-empty) selection, search again from just before selection if (range.location != NSNotFound && NSEqualRanges(range, selectedRange)) { searchRange.location = 0; searchRange.length = selectedRange.location; range = [self rangeOfString:string options:options range:searchRange]; } // If not found, search again from the end. Make search range large enough that // we'll find a match even if it partially overlapped the existing selection (including the // case where it exactly matches the existing selection). if ((range.length == 0) && wrap) { unsigned stringLength = [string length]; if (selectedRange.location > stringLength) { searchRange.location = selectedRange.location - stringLength; } else { searchRange.location = 0; } searchRange.length = length - searchRange.location; range = [self rangeOfString:string options:options range:searchRange]; } } return range; } @end