/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * (C) 2005 Rob Buis * (C) 2006 Alexander Kellett * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGRenderTreeAsText.h" #include "GraphicsTypes.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "KCanvasRenderingStyle.h" #include "RenderSVGContainer.h" #include "RenderTreeAsText.h" #include "SVGPaintServerGradient.h" #include "SVGPaintServerPattern.h" #include "SVGPaintServerSolid.h" #include "SVGResourceClipper.h" #include "SVGStyledElement.h" #include namespace WebCore { /** class + iomanip to help streaming list separators, i.e. ", " in string "a, b, c, d" * Can be used in cases where you don't know which item in the list is the first * one to be printed, but still want to avoid strings like ", b, c". */ class TextStreamSeparator { public: TextStreamSeparator(const String& s) : m_separator(s) , m_needToSeparate(false) { } private: friend TextStream& operator<<(TextStream&, TextStreamSeparator&); String m_separator; bool m_needToSeparate; }; TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, TextStreamSeparator& sep) { if (sep.m_needToSeparate) ts << sep.m_separator; else sep.m_needToSeparate = true; return ts; } TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const IntPoint& p) { return ts << "(" << p.x() << "," << p.y() << ")"; } TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const IntRect& r) { return ts << "at (" << r.x() << "," << r.y() << ") size " << r.width() << "x" << r.height(); } bool hasFractions(double val) { double epsilon = 0.0001; int ival = static_cast(val); double dval = static_cast(ival); return fabs(val - dval) > epsilon; } TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const FloatRect &r) { ts << "at ("; if (hasFractions(r.x())) ts << r.x(); else ts << int(r.x()); ts << ","; if (hasFractions(r.y())) ts << r.y(); else ts << int(r.y()); ts << ") size "; if (hasFractions(r.width())) ts << r.width(); else ts << int(r.width()); ts << "x"; if (hasFractions(r.height())) ts << r.height(); else ts << int(r.height()); return ts; } TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const FloatPoint& p) { ts << "("; if (hasFractions(p.x())) ts << p.x(); else ts << int(p.x()); ts << ","; if (hasFractions(p.y())) ts << p.y(); else ts << int(p.y()); return ts << ")"; } TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const FloatSize& s) { ts << "width="; if (hasFractions(s.width())) ts << s.width(); else ts << int(s.width()); ts << " height="; if (hasFractions(s.height())) ts << s.height(); else ts << int(s.height()); return ts; } TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const AffineTransform& transform) { if (transform.isIdentity()) ts << "identity"; else ts << "{m=((" << transform.a() << "," << transform.b() << ")(" << transform.c() << "," << transform.d() << ")) t=(" << transform.e() << "," << transform.f() << ")}"; return ts; } TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const Color& c) { return ts << c.name(); } static void writeIndent(TextStream& ts, int indent) { for (int i = 0; i != indent; ++i) ts << " "; } // FIXME: Maybe this should be in KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const KCDashArray& a) { ts << "{"; KCDashArray::const_iterator end = a.end(); for (KCDashArray::const_iterator it = a.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if (it != a.begin()) ts << ", "; ts << *it; } ts << "}"; return ts; } // FIXME: Maybe this should be in GraphicsTypes.cpp static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, LineCap style) { switch (style) { case ButtCap: ts << "BUTT"; break; case RoundCap: ts << "ROUND"; break; case SquareCap: ts << "SQUARE"; break; } return ts; } // FIXME: Maybe this should be in GraphicsTypes.cpp static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, LineJoin style) { switch (style) { case MiterJoin: ts << "MITER"; break; case RoundJoin: ts << "ROUND"; break; case BevelJoin: ts << "BEVEL"; break; } return ts; } static void writeStyle(TextStream& ts, const RenderObject& object) { const RenderStyle* style = object.style(); const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = style->svgStyle(); if (!object.localTransform().isIdentity()) ts << " [transform=" << object.localTransform() << "]"; if (svgStyle->imageRendering() != SVGRenderStyle::initialImageRendering()) ts << " [image rendering=" << svgStyle->imageRendering() << "]"; if (style->opacity() != RenderStyle::initialOpacity()) ts << " [opacity=" << style->opacity() << "]"; if (object.isRenderPath()) { const RenderPath& path = static_cast(object); SVGPaintServer* strokePaintServer = KSVGPainterFactory::strokePaintServer(style, &path); if (strokePaintServer) { TextStreamSeparator s(" "); ts << " [stroke={"; if (strokePaintServer) ts << s << *strokePaintServer; double dashOffset = KSVGPainterFactory::cssPrimitiveToLength(&path, svgStyle->strokeDashOffset(), 0.0); const KCDashArray& dashArray = KSVGPainterFactory::dashArrayFromRenderingStyle(style); double strokeWidth = KSVGPainterFactory::cssPrimitiveToLength(&path, svgStyle->strokeWidth(), 1.0); if (svgStyle->strokeOpacity() != 1.0f) ts << s << "[opacity=" << svgStyle->strokeOpacity() << "]"; if (strokeWidth != 1.0f) ts << s << "[stroke width=" << strokeWidth << "]"; if (svgStyle->strokeMiterLimit() != 4) ts << s << "[miter limit=" << svgStyle->strokeMiterLimit() << "]"; if (svgStyle->capStyle() != 0) ts << s << "[line cap=" << svgStyle->capStyle() << "]"; if (svgStyle->joinStyle() != 0) ts << s << "[line join=" << svgStyle->joinStyle() << "]"; if (dashOffset != 0.0f) ts << s << "[dash offset=" << dashOffset << "]"; if (!dashArray.isEmpty()) ts << s << "[dash array=" << dashArray << "]"; ts << "}]"; } SVGPaintServer* fillPaintServer = KSVGPainterFactory::fillPaintServer(style, &path); if (fillPaintServer) { TextStreamSeparator s(" "); ts << " [fill={"; if (fillPaintServer) ts << s << *fillPaintServer; if (style->svgStyle()->fillOpacity() != 1.0f) ts << s << "[opacity=" << style->svgStyle()->fillOpacity() << "]"; if (style->svgStyle()->fillRule() != RULE_NONZERO) ts << s << "[fill rule=" << style->svgStyle()->fillRule() << "]"; ts << "}]"; } } if (!svgStyle->clipPath().isEmpty()) ts << " [clip path=\"" << svgStyle->clipPath() << "\"]"; if (!svgStyle->startMarker().isEmpty()) ts << " [start marker=" << svgStyle->startMarker() << "]"; if (!svgStyle->midMarker().isEmpty()) ts << " [middle marker=" << svgStyle->midMarker() << "]"; if (!svgStyle->endMarker().isEmpty()) ts << " [end marker=" << svgStyle->endMarker() << "]"; if (!svgStyle->filter().isEmpty()) ts << " [filter=" << svgStyle->filter() << "]"; } static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const RenderPath& path) { ts << " " << path.absoluteTransform().mapRect(path.relativeBBox()); writeStyle(ts, path); ts << " [data=\"" << path.path().debugString() << "\"]"; return ts; } static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const RenderSVGContainer& container) { ts << " " << container.absoluteTransform().mapRect(container.relativeBBox()); writeStyle(ts, container); return ts; } static String getTagName(SVGStyledElement* elem) { if (elem) return elem->nodeName(); return ""; } void write(TextStream& ts, const RenderSVGContainer& container, int indent) { writeIndent(ts, indent); ts << container.renderName(); if (container.element()) { String tagName = getTagName(static_cast(container.element())); if (!tagName.isEmpty()) ts << " {" << tagName << "}"; } ts << container << endl; for (RenderObject* child = container.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) write(ts, *child, indent + 1); } void write(TextStream& ts, const RenderPath& path, int indent) { writeIndent(ts, indent); ts << path.renderName(); if (path.element()) { String tagName = getTagName(static_cast(path.element())); if (!tagName.isEmpty()) ts << " {" << tagName << "}"; } ts << path << endl; } void writeRenderResources(TextStream& ts, Node* parent) { ASSERT(parent); Node* node = parent; do { if (!node->isSVGElement()) continue; SVGElement* svgElement = static_cast(node); if (!svgElement->isStyled()) continue; SVGStyledElement* styled = static_cast(svgElement); RefPtr resource(styled->canvasResource()); if (!resource) continue; String elementId = svgElement->getAttribute(HTMLNames::idAttr); if (resource->isPaintServer()) { RefPtr paintServer = WTF::static_pointer_cast(resource); ts << "KRenderingPaintServer {id=\"" << elementId << "\" " << *paintServer << "}" << endl; } else ts << "KCanvasResource {id=\"" << elementId << "\" " << *resource << "}" << endl; } while ((node = node->traverseNextNode(parent))); } } // namespace WebCore #endif // ENABLE(SVG)