/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "config.h" #import "ScrollView.h" #import "FloatRect.h" #import "IntRect.h" #import "BlockExceptions.h" #import "Logging.h" #import "WebCoreFrameView.h" /* This class implementation does NOT actually emulate the Qt ScrollView. It does provide an implementation that khtml will use to interact with WebKit's WebFrameView documentView and our NSScrollView subclass. ScrollView's view is a NSScrollView (or subclass of NSScrollView) in most cases. That scrollview is a subview of an WebCoreFrameView. The WebCoreFrameView's documentView will also be the scroll view's documentView. The WebCoreFrameView's size is the frame size. The WebCoreFrameView's documentView corresponds to the frame content size. The scrollview itself is autosized to the WebCoreFrameView's size (see Widget::resize). */ namespace WebCore { int ScrollView::visibleWidth() const { NSScrollView *view = (NSScrollView *)getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) return (int)[view documentVisibleRect].size.width; else return (int)[view bounds].size.width; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return 0; } int ScrollView::visibleHeight() const { NSScrollView *view = (NSScrollView *)getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) return (int)[view documentVisibleRect].size.height; else return (int)[view bounds].size.height; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return 0; } FloatRect ScrollView::visibleContentRect() const { NSScrollView *view = (NSScrollView *)getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) return [view documentVisibleRect]; else return [view visibleRect]; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return FloatRect(); } FloatRect ScrollView::visibleContentRectConsideringExternalScrollers() const { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if (NSView *docView = getDocumentView()) return [docView visibleRect]; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return FloatRect(); } int ScrollView::contentsWidth() const { NSView *docView, *view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if (docView) return (int)[docView bounds].size.width; else return (int)[view bounds].size.width; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return 0; } int ScrollView::contentsHeight() const { NSView *docView, *view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if (docView) return (int)[docView bounds].size.height; else return (int)[view bounds].size.height; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return 0; } int ScrollView::contentsX() const { NSView *view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) return (int)[(NSScrollView *)view documentVisibleRect].origin.x; else return (int)[view visibleRect].origin.x; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return 0; } int ScrollView::contentsY() const { NSView *view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) return (int)[(NSScrollView *)view documentVisibleRect].origin.y; else return (int)[view visibleRect].origin.y; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return 0; } IntSize ScrollView::scrollOffset() const { NSView *view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) return IntPoint([[(NSScrollView *)view contentView] visibleRect].origin) - IntPoint(); END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return IntSize(); } void ScrollView::scrollBy(int dx, int dy) { setContentsPos(contentsX() + dx, contentsY() + dy); } void ScrollView::scrollRectIntoViewRecursively(const IntRect& r) { NSRect rect = r; BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView *docView; NSView *view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); if (docView) view = docView; NSView *originalView = view; while (view) { if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSClipView class]]) { NSClipView *clipView = (NSClipView *)view; NSView *documentView = [clipView documentView]; [documentView scrollRectToVisible:[documentView convertRect:rect fromView:originalView]]; } view = [view superview]; } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } void ScrollView::setContentsPos(int x, int y) { x = (x < 0) ? 0 : x; y = (y < 0) ? 0 : y; NSPoint p = NSMakePoint(x,y); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView *docView; NSView *view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); if (docView) view = docView; [view scrollPoint:p]; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } void ScrollView::setVScrollbarMode(ScrollbarMode vMode) { NSView* view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(WebCoreFrameView)]) { NSView* frameView = (NSView*)view; [frameView setVerticalScrollingMode: (WebCoreScrollbarMode)vMode]; } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } void ScrollView::setHScrollbarMode(ScrollbarMode hMode) { NSView* view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(WebCoreFrameView)]) { NSView* frameView = (NSView*)view; [frameView setHorizontalScrollingMode: (WebCoreScrollbarMode)hMode]; } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } void ScrollView::setScrollbarsMode(ScrollbarMode mode) { NSView* view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(WebCoreFrameView)]) { NSView* frameView = (NSView*)view; [frameView setScrollingMode: (WebCoreScrollbarMode)mode]; } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } ScrollbarMode ScrollView::vScrollbarMode() const { NSView* view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(WebCoreFrameView)]) { NSView* frameView = (NSView*)view; return (ScrollbarMode)[frameView verticalScrollingMode]; } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return ScrollbarAuto; } ScrollbarMode ScrollView::hScrollbarMode() const { NSView* view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(WebCoreFrameView)]) { NSView* frameView = (NSView*)view; return (ScrollbarMode)[frameView horizontalScrollingMode]; } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return ScrollbarAuto; } void ScrollView::suppressScrollbars(bool suppressed, bool repaintOnUnsuppress) { NSView* view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(WebCoreFrameView)]) { NSView* frameView = (NSView*)view; [frameView setScrollBarsSuppressed: suppressed repaintOnUnsuppress: repaintOnUnsuppress]; } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } void ScrollView::addChild(Widget* child) { ASSERT(child != this); NSView *thisView = getView(); NSView *thisDocView = getDocumentView(); if (thisDocView) thisView = thisDocView; #ifndef NDEBUG NSView *subview = child->getOuterView(); LOG(Frames, "Adding %p %@ with size w %d h %d\n", subview, [(id)[subview class] className], (int)[subview frame].size.width, (int)[subview frame].size.height); #endif child->addToSuperview(thisView); } void ScrollView::removeChild(Widget* child) { child->removeFromSuperview(); } void ScrollView::resizeContents(int w, int h) { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; int _w = w; int _h = h; LOG(Frames, "%p %@ at w %d h %d\n", getView(), [(id)[getView() class] className], w, h); NSView *view = getView(); if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]){ view = getDocumentView(); LOG(Frames, "%p %@ at w %d h %d\n", view, [(id)[view class] className], w, h); if (_w < 0) _w = 0; if (_h < 0) _h = 0; NSSize tempSize = { _w, _h }; // workaround for 4213314 [view setFrameSize:tempSize]; } else { resize (_w, _h); } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } void ScrollView::updateContents(const IntRect &rect, bool now) { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView *view = getView(); if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) view = getDocumentView(); NSRect visibleRect = visibleContentRect(); // Checking for rect visibility is an important optimization for the case of // Select All of a large document. AppKit does not do this check, and so ends // up building a large complicated NSRegion if we don't perform the check. NSRect dirtyRect = NSIntersectionRect(rect, visibleRect); if (!NSIsEmptyRect(dirtyRect)) { [view setNeedsDisplayInRect:dirtyRect]; if (now) { [[view window] displayIfNeeded]; [[view window] flushWindowIfNeeded]; } } END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } void ScrollView::update() { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView *view = getView(); [[view window] displayIfNeeded]; [[view window] flushWindowIfNeeded]; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } // "Containing Window" means the NSWindow's coord system, which is origin lower left IntPoint ScrollView::contentsToWindow(const IntPoint& contentsPoint) const { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView *docView; NSView *view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); if (docView) view = docView; NSPoint tempPoint = { contentsPoint.x(), contentsPoint.y() }; // workaround for 4213314 NSPoint np = [view convertPoint:tempPoint toView: nil]; return IntPoint(np); END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return IntPoint(); } IntPoint ScrollView::windowToContents(const IntPoint& point) const { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView *docView; NSView *view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); if (docView) view = docView; NSPoint tempPoint = { point.x(), point.y() }; // workaround for 4213314 NSPoint np = [view convertPoint:tempPoint fromView: nil]; return IntPoint(np); END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return IntPoint(); } IntRect ScrollView::contentsToWindow(const IntRect& contentsRect) const { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView* docView; NSView* view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); if (docView) view = docView; NSRect nr = [view convertRect:contentsRect toView: nil]; return IntRect(nr); END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return IntRect(); } IntRect ScrollView::windowToContents(const IntRect& rect) const { BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; NSView* docView; NSView* view = getView(); docView = getDocumentView(); if (docView) view = docView; NSRect nr = [view convertRect:rect fromView: nil]; return IntRect(nr); END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return IntRect(); } void ScrollView::setStaticBackground(bool b) { NSScrollView *view = (NSScrollView *)getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) [[view contentView] setCopiesOnScroll: !b]; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; } NSView *ScrollView::getDocumentView() const { id view = getView(); BEGIN_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(documentView)]) return [view documentView]; END_BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS; return nil; } PlatformScrollbar* ScrollView::scrollbarUnderMouse(const PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { // On Mac, the ScrollView is really the "document", so events will never flow into it to get to the scrollers. return 0; } bool ScrollView::inWindow() const { return [getView() window]; } void ScrollView::wheelEvent(PlatformWheelEvent&) { // Do nothing. NSScrollView handles doing the scroll for us. } }