/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Friedemann Kleint * Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech ASA * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "ImageDecoderQt.h" #include #include #include #include #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(qtwebico) //For ico format... #endif namespace { const QImage::Format DesiredFormat = QImage::Format_ARGB32; const bool debugImageDecoderQt = false; } namespace WebCore { ImageDecoderQt::ImageData::ImageData(const QImage& image, ImageState imageState, int duration) : m_image(image), m_imageState(imageState), m_duration(duration) { } // Context, maintains IODevice on a data buffer. class ImageDecoderQt::ReadContext { public: enum LoadMode { // Load images incrementally. This is still experimental and // will cause the image plugins to report errors. // Also note that as of Qt 4.2.2, the JPEG loader does not return error codes // on "preliminary end of data". LoadIncrementally, // Load images only if all data have been received LoadComplete }; ReadContext(const IncomingData & data, LoadMode loadMode, ImageList &target); enum ReadResult { ReadEOF, ReadFailed, ReadPartial, ReadComplete }; // Append data and read out all images. Returns the result // of the last read operation, so, even if ReadPartial is returned, // a few images might have been read. ReadResult read(bool allDataReceived); private: enum IncrementalReadResult { IncrementalReadFailed, IncrementalReadPartial, IncrementalReadComplete }; // Incrementally read an image IncrementalReadResult readImageLines(ImageData &); const LoadMode m_loadMode; QByteArray m_data; QBuffer m_buffer; QImageReader m_reader; ImageList &m_target; // Detected data format of the stream enum QImage::Format m_dataFormat; QSize m_size; }; ImageDecoderQt::ReadContext::ReadContext(const IncomingData & data, LoadMode loadMode, ImageList &target) : m_loadMode(loadMode), m_data(data.data(), data.size()), m_buffer(&m_data), m_reader(&m_buffer), m_target(target), m_dataFormat(QImage::Format_Invalid) { m_buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); } ImageDecoderQt::ReadContext::ReadResult ImageDecoderQt::ReadContext::read(bool allDataReceived) { // Complete mode: Read only all all data received if (m_loadMode == LoadComplete && !allDataReceived) return ReadPartial; // Attempt to read out all images while (true) { if (m_target.empty() || m_target.back().m_imageState == ImageComplete) { // Start a new image. if (!m_reader.canRead()) return ReadEOF; // Attempt to construct an empty image of the matching size and format // for efficient reading QImage newImage = m_dataFormat != QImage::Format_Invalid ? QImage(m_size,m_dataFormat) : QImage(); m_target.push_back(ImageData(newImage)); } // read chunks switch (readImageLines(m_target.back())) { case IncrementalReadFailed: m_target.pop_back(); return ReadFailed; case IncrementalReadPartial: return ReadPartial; case IncrementalReadComplete: m_target.back().m_imageState = ImageComplete; //store for next m_dataFormat = m_target.back().m_image.format(); m_size = m_target.back().m_image.size(); const bool supportsAnimation = m_reader.supportsAnimation(); if (debugImageDecoderQt) qDebug() << "readImage(): #" << m_target.size() << " complete, " << m_size << " format " << m_dataFormat << " supportsAnimation=" << supportsAnimation ; // No point in readinfg further if (!supportsAnimation) return ReadComplete; break; } } return ReadComplete; } ImageDecoderQt::ReadContext::IncrementalReadResult ImageDecoderQt::ReadContext::readImageLines(ImageData &imageData) { // TODO: Implement incremental reading here, // set state to reflect complete header, etc. // For now, we read the whole image. const qint64 startPos = m_buffer.pos (); // Oops, failed. Rewind. if (!m_reader.read(&imageData.m_image)) { m_buffer.seek(startPos); const bool gotHeader = imageData.m_image.size().width(); if (debugImageDecoderQt) qDebug() << "readImageLines(): read() failed: " << m_reader.errorString() << " got header=" << gotHeader; // [Experimental] Did we manage to read the header? if (gotHeader) { imageData.m_imageState = ImageHeaderValid; return IncrementalReadPartial; } return IncrementalReadFailed; } imageData.m_duration = m_reader.nextImageDelay(); return IncrementalReadComplete; } // ImageDecoderQt ImageDecoderQt::ImageDecoderQt( ) { } ImageDecoderQt::~ImageDecoderQt() { } bool ImageDecoderQt::hasFirstImageHeader() const { return !m_imageList.empty() && m_imageList[0].m_imageState >= ImageHeaderValid; } void ImageDecoderQt::reset() { m_failed = false; m_imageList.clear(); m_pixmapCache.clear(); m_sizeAvailable = false; m_size = IntSize(-1, -1); } void ImageDecoderQt::setData(const IncomingData &data, bool allDataReceived) { reset(); ReadContext readContext(data, ReadContext::LoadComplete, m_imageList); if (debugImageDecoderQt) qDebug() << " setData " << data.size() << " image bytes, complete=" << allDataReceived; const ReadContext::ReadResult readResult = readContext.read(allDataReceived); if (debugImageDecoderQt) qDebug() << " read returns " << readResult; switch ( readResult) { case ReadContext::ReadFailed: m_failed = true; break; case ReadContext::ReadEOF: case ReadContext::ReadPartial: case ReadContext::ReadComplete: // Did we read anything - try to set the size. if (hasFirstImageHeader()) { m_sizeAvailable = true; m_size = m_imageList[0].m_image.size(); } break; } } bool ImageDecoderQt::isSizeAvailable() const { if (debugImageDecoderQt) qDebug() << " ImageDecoderQt::isSizeAvailable() returns" << m_sizeAvailable; return m_sizeAvailable; } int ImageDecoderQt::frameCount() const { return m_imageList.size(); } int ImageDecoderQt::repetitionCount() const { // TODO: Am I Moses?! return cAnimationNone; } bool ImageDecoderQt::supportsAlpha() const { return hasFirstImageHeader() && m_imageList[0].m_image.hasAlphaChannel(); } int ImageDecoderQt::duration(size_t index) const { if (index >= m_imageList.size()) return 0; return m_imageList[index].m_duration; } RGBA32Buffer* ImageDecoderQt::frameBufferAtIndex(size_t index) { Q_ASSERT("use imageAtIndex instead"); return 0; } const QPixmap* ImageDecoderQt::imageAtIndex(size_t index) const { if (debugImageDecoderQt) qDebug() << "ImageDecoderQt::imageAtIndex(" << index << ')'; if (index >= m_imageList.size()) return 0; if (!m_pixmapCache.contains(index)) { m_pixmapCache.insert(index, QPixmap::fromImage(m_imageList[index].m_image)); } return &m_pixmapCache[index]; } void ImageDecoderQt::clearFrame(size_t index) { if (m_imageList.size() < (int)index) m_imageList[index].m_image = QImage(); m_pixmapCache.take(index); } } // vim: ts=4 sw=4 et