// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Trolltech ASA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "HTMLFormElement.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "InspectorController.h" #include "Page.h" #include "ResourceHandle.h" #include "Settings.h" #include #include #include namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; class PageGroupLoadDeferrer : Noncopyable { public: PageGroupLoadDeferrer(Page*, bool deferSelf); ~PageGroupLoadDeferrer(); private: Vector, 16> m_deferredFrames; }; Chrome::Chrome(Page* page, ChromeClient* client) : m_page(page) , m_client(client) { ASSERT(m_client); } Chrome::~Chrome() { m_client->chromeDestroyed(); } void Chrome::setWindowRect(const FloatRect& rect) const { m_client->setWindowRect(rect); } FloatRect Chrome::windowRect() const { return m_client->windowRect(); } FloatRect Chrome::pageRect() const { return m_client->pageRect(); } float Chrome::scaleFactor() { return m_client->scaleFactor(); } void Chrome::focus() const { m_client->focus(); } void Chrome::unfocus() const { m_client->unfocus(); } bool Chrome::canTakeFocus(FocusDirection direction) const { return m_client->canTakeFocus(direction); } void Chrome::takeFocus(FocusDirection direction) const { m_client->takeFocus(direction); } Page* Chrome::createWindow(Frame* frame, const FrameLoadRequest& request) const { return m_client->createWindow(frame, request); } Page* Chrome::createModalDialog(Frame* frame, const FrameLoadRequest& request) const { return m_client->createModalDialog(frame, request); } void Chrome::show() const { m_client->show(); } bool Chrome::canRunModal() const { return m_client->canRunModal(); } bool Chrome::canRunModalNow() const { // If loads are blocked, we can't run modal because the contents // of the modal dialog will never show up! return canRunModal() && !ResourceHandle::loadsBlocked(); } void Chrome::runModal() const { if (m_page->defersLoading()) { LOG_ERROR("Tried to run modal in a page when it was deferring loading -- should never happen."); return; } // Defer callbacks in all the other pages in this group, so we don't try to run JavaScript // in a way that could interact with this view. PageGroupLoadDeferrer deferrer(m_page, false); // Go run the modal event loop. m_client->runModal(); } void Chrome::setToolbarsVisible(bool b) const { m_client->setToolbarsVisible(b); } bool Chrome::toolbarsVisible() const { return m_client->toolbarsVisible(); } void Chrome::setStatusbarVisible(bool b) const { m_client->setStatusbarVisible(b); } bool Chrome::statusbarVisible() const { return m_client->statusbarVisible(); } void Chrome::setScrollbarsVisible(bool b) const { m_client->setScrollbarsVisible(b); } bool Chrome::scrollbarsVisible() const { return m_client->scrollbarsVisible(); } void Chrome::setMenubarVisible(bool b) const { m_client->setMenubarVisible(b); } bool Chrome::menubarVisible() const { return m_client->menubarVisible(); } void Chrome::setResizable(bool b) const { m_client->setResizable(b); } void Chrome::addMessageToConsole(MessageSource source, MessageLevel level, const String& message, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceID) { if (source == JSMessageSource && level == ErrorMessageLevel) m_client->addMessageToConsole(message, lineNumber, sourceID); if (InspectorController* inspector = m_page->inspectorController()) inspector->addMessageToConsole(source, level, message, lineNumber, sourceID); } bool Chrome::canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel() { return m_client->canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(); } bool Chrome::runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(const String& message, Frame* frame) { // Defer loads in case the client method runs a new event loop that would // otherwise cause the load to continue while we're in the middle of executing JavaScript. PageGroupLoadDeferrer deferrer(m_page, true); return m_client->runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(message, frame); } void Chrome::closeWindowSoon() { m_client->closeWindowSoon(); } void Chrome::runJavaScriptAlert(Frame* frame, const String& message) { // Defer loads in case the client method runs a new event loop that would // otherwise cause the load to continue while we're in the middle of executing JavaScript. PageGroupLoadDeferrer deferrer(m_page, true); ASSERT(frame); String text = message; text.replace('\\', frame->backslashAsCurrencySymbol()); m_client->runJavaScriptAlert(frame, text); } bool Chrome::runJavaScriptConfirm(Frame* frame, const String& message) { // Defer loads in case the client method runs a new event loop that would // otherwise cause the load to continue while we're in the middle of executing JavaScript. PageGroupLoadDeferrer deferrer(m_page, true); ASSERT(frame); String text = message; text.replace('\\', frame->backslashAsCurrencySymbol()); return m_client->runJavaScriptConfirm(frame, text); } bool Chrome::runJavaScriptPrompt(Frame* frame, const String& prompt, const String& defaultValue, String& result) { // Defer loads in case the client method runs a new event loop that would // otherwise cause the load to continue while we're in the middle of executing JavaScript. PageGroupLoadDeferrer deferrer(m_page, true); ASSERT(frame); String promptText = prompt; promptText.replace('\\', frame->backslashAsCurrencySymbol()); String defaultValueText = defaultValue; defaultValueText.replace('\\', frame->backslashAsCurrencySymbol()); bool ok = m_client->runJavaScriptPrompt(frame, promptText, defaultValueText, result); if (ok) result.replace(frame->backslashAsCurrencySymbol(), '\\'); return ok; } void Chrome::setStatusbarText(Frame* frame, const String& status) { ASSERT(frame); String text = status; text.replace('\\', frame->backslashAsCurrencySymbol()); m_client->setStatusbarText(text); } bool Chrome::shouldInterruptJavaScript() { // Defer loads in case the client method runs a new event loop that would // otherwise cause the load to continue while we're in the middle of executing JavaScript. PageGroupLoadDeferrer deferrer(m_page, true); return m_client->shouldInterruptJavaScript(); } IntRect Chrome::windowResizerRect() const { return m_client->windowResizerRect(); } void Chrome::addToDirtyRegion(const IntRect& rect) { m_client->addToDirtyRegion(rect); } void Chrome::scrollBackingStore(int dx, int dy, const IntRect& scrollViewRect, const IntRect& clipRect) { m_client->scrollBackingStore(dx, dy, scrollViewRect, clipRect); } void Chrome::updateBackingStore() { m_client->updateBackingStore(); } void Chrome::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& result, unsigned modifierFlags) { m_client->mouseDidMoveOverElement(result, modifierFlags); } void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result) { // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip(); // Next priority is a toolTip from a URL beneath the mouse (if preference is set to show those). if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page->settings()->showsURLsInToolTips()) { if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) { // Get tooltip representing form action, if relevant if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) { HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast(node); if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::SUBMIT) if (HTMLFormElement* form = input->form()) toolTip = form->action(); } } // Get tooltip representing link's URL if (toolTip.isEmpty()) // FIXME: Need to pass this URL through userVisibleString once that's in WebCore toolTip = result.absoluteLinkURL().url(); } // Lastly we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute if (toolTip.isEmpty()) toolTip = result.title(); m_client->setToolTip(toolTip); } void Chrome::print(Frame* frame) { m_client->print(frame); } PageGroupLoadDeferrer::PageGroupLoadDeferrer(Page* page, bool deferSelf) { if (const HashSet* group = page->frameNamespace()) { HashSet::const_iterator end = group->end(); for (HashSet::const_iterator it = group->begin(); it != end; ++it) { Page* otherPage = *it; if ((deferSelf || otherPage != page) && !otherPage->defersLoading()) m_deferredFrames.append(otherPage->mainFrame()); } } size_t count = m_deferredFrames.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) if (Page* page = m_deferredFrames[i]->page()) page->setDefersLoading(true); } PageGroupLoadDeferrer::~PageGroupLoadDeferrer() { size_t count = m_deferredFrames.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) if (Page* page = m_deferredFrames[i]->page()) page->setDefersLoading(false); } } // namespace WebCore