/* Copyright (C) 1998 Lars Knoll (knoll@mpi-hd.mpg.de) Copyright (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) Copyright (C) 2002 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org) Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Cache.h" #include "CachedCSSStyleSheet.h" #include "CachedImage.h" #include "CachedScript.h" #include "CachedXSLStyleSheet.h" #include "DocLoader.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "Image.h" #include "ResourceHandle.h" #include "SystemTime.h" using namespace std; namespace WebCore { static const int cDefaultCacheSize = 8192 * 1024; static const double cMinDelayBeforeLiveDecodedPrune = 1; // seconds Cache* cache() { static Cache* staticCache = new Cache; return staticCache; } Cache::Cache() : m_disabled(false) , m_maximumSize(cDefaultCacheSize) , m_currentSize(0) , m_liveResourcesSize(0) , m_currentDecodedSize(0) , m_liveDecodedSize(0) { } static CachedResource* createResource(CachedResource::Type type, DocLoader* docLoader, const KURL& url, const String* charset, bool skipCanLoadCheck = false, bool sendResourceLoadCallbacks = true) { switch (type) { case CachedResource::ImageResource: // User agent images need to null check the docloader. No other resources need to. return new CachedImage(docLoader, url.url(), true /* for cache */); case CachedResource::CSSStyleSheet: return new CachedCSSStyleSheet(docLoader, url.url(), *charset, skipCanLoadCheck, sendResourceLoadCallbacks); case CachedResource::Script: return new CachedScript(docLoader, url.url(), *charset); #if ENABLE(XSLT) case CachedResource::XSLStyleSheet: return new CachedXSLStyleSheet(docLoader, url.url()); #endif #if ENABLE(XBL) case CachedResource::XBLStyleSheet: return new CachedXBLDocument(docLoader, url.url()); #endif default: break; } return 0; } CachedResource* Cache::requestResource(DocLoader* docLoader, CachedResource::Type type, const KURL& url, const String* charset, bool skipCanLoadCheck, bool sendResourceLoadCallbacks) { if (!url.isValid()) return 0; // Look up the resource in our map. CachedResource* resource = m_resources.get(url.url()); if (resource) { if (!skipCanLoadCheck && FrameLoader::restrictAccessToLocal() && !FrameLoader::canLoad(*resource, docLoader->doc())) { Document* doc = docLoader->doc(); if(doc) FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(doc->page(), resource->url()); return 0; } } else { if (!skipCanLoadCheck && FrameLoader::restrictAccessToLocal() && !FrameLoader::canLoad(url, docLoader->doc())) { Document* doc = docLoader->doc(); if(doc) FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(doc->page(), url.url()); return 0; } // The resource does not exist. Create it. resource = createResource(type, docLoader, url, charset, skipCanLoadCheck, sendResourceLoadCallbacks); ASSERT(resource); ASSERT(resource->inCache()); if (!disabled()) { m_resources.set(url.url(), resource); // The size will be added in later once the resource is loaded and calls back to us with the new size. // This will move the resource to the front of its LRU list and increase its access count. resourceAccessed(resource); } else { // Kick the resource out of the cache, because the cache is disabled. resource->setInCache(false); resource->setDocLoader(docLoader); if (resource->errorOccurred()) { // We don't support immediate loads, but we do support immediate failure. // In that case we should to delete the resource now and return 0 because otherwise // it would leak if no ref/deref was ever done on it. delete resource; return 0; } } } if (resource->type() != type) return 0; #if USE(LOW_BANDWIDTH_DISPLAY) // addLowBandwidthDisplayRequest() returns true if requesting CSS or JS during low bandwidth display. // Here, return 0 to not block parsing or layout. if (docLoader->frame() && docLoader->frame()->loader()->addLowBandwidthDisplayRequest(resource)) return 0; #endif return resource; } CachedResource* Cache::resourceForURL(const String& url) { return m_resources.get(url); } void Cache::pruneLiveResources() { // No need to prune if all of our objects fit. if (m_currentSize <= m_maximumSize) return; // We allow the live resource size to get as big as the maximum cache size // before we do a prune. if (m_liveDecodedSize <= m_maximumSize) return; double currentTime = Frame::currentPaintTimeStamp(); if (!currentTime) // In case prune is called directly, outside of a Frame paint. currentTime = WebCore::currentTime(); // Destroy any decoded data in live objects that we can. // Start from the tail, since this is the least recently accessed of the objects. CachedResource* current = m_liveDecodedResources.m_tail; while (current) { CachedResource* prev = current->m_prevInLiveResourcesList; ASSERT(current->referenced()); if (current->isLoaded()) { // Check to see if the remaining resources are too new to prune. double elapsedTime = currentTime - current->m_lastLiveAccessTime; if (elapsedTime < cMinDelayBeforeLiveDecodedPrune) return; // Go ahead and destroy our decoded data. current->destroyDecodedData(); // Now remove us from the list so the next prune can ignore us. removeFromLiveDecodedResourcesList(current); // Stop pruning if our total live resource size is back under the maximum. if (m_liveDecodedSize <= m_maximumSize) return; } current = prev; } } void Cache::pruneAllResources() { // No need to prune if all of our objects fit. if (m_currentSize <= m_maximumSize) return; // We allow the cache to get as big as the # of live objects + the maximum cache size // before we do a prune. Once we do decide to prune though, we are aggressive about it. // We will include the live objects as part of the overall cache size when pruning, so will often // kill every last object that isn't referenced by a Web page. unsigned unreferencedResourcesSize = m_currentSize - m_liveResourcesSize; if (unreferencedResourcesSize < m_maximumSize) return; unsigned size = m_allResources.size(); bool canShrinkLRULists = true; for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Remove from the tail, since this is the least frequently accessed of the objects. CachedResource* current = m_allResources[i].m_tail; // First flush all the decoded data in this queue. while (current) { CachedResource* prev = current->m_prevInAllResourcesList; if (!current->referenced() && current->isLoaded()) { // Go ahead and destroy our decoded data. current->destroyDecodedData(); // Stop pruning if our total cache size is back under the maximum or if every // remaining object in the cache is live (meaning there is nothing left we are able // to prune). if (m_currentSize <= m_maximumSize || m_currentSize == m_liveResourcesSize) return; } current = prev; } // Now evict objects from this queue. current = m_allResources[i].m_tail; while (current) { CachedResource* prev = current->m_prevInAllResourcesList; if (!current->referenced()) { remove(current); // Stop pruning if our total cache size is back under the maximum or if every // remaining object in the cache is live (meaning there is nothing left we are able // to prune). if (m_currentSize <= m_maximumSize || m_currentSize == m_liveResourcesSize) return; } current = prev; } // Shrink the vector back down so we don't waste time inspecting // empty LRU lists on future prunes. if (m_allResources[i].m_head) canShrinkLRULists = false; else if (canShrinkLRULists) m_allResources.resize(i); } } void Cache::setMaximumSize(unsigned bytes) { m_maximumSize = bytes; pruneAllResources(); } void Cache::remove(CachedResource* resource) { // The resource may have already been removed by someone other than our caller, // who needed a fresh copy for a reload. See . if (resource->inCache()) { // Remove from the resource map. m_resources.remove(resource->url()); resource->setInCache(false); // Remove from the appropriate LRU list. removeFromLRUList(resource); removeFromLiveDecodedResourcesList(resource); // Notify all doc loaders that might be observing this object still that it has been // extracted from the set of resources. HashSet::iterator end = m_docLoaders.end(); for (HashSet::iterator itr = m_docLoaders.begin(); itr != end; ++itr) (*itr)->removeCachedResource(resource); // Subtract from our size totals. int delta = -static_cast(resource->size()); if (delta) adjustSize(resource->referenced(), delta, -static_cast(resource->decodedSize())); } if (resource->canDelete()) delete resource; } void Cache::addDocLoader(DocLoader* docLoader) { m_docLoaders.add(docLoader); } void Cache::removeDocLoader(DocLoader* docLoader) { m_docLoaders.remove(docLoader); } static inline unsigned fastLog2(unsigned i) { unsigned log2 = 0; if (i & (i - 1)) log2 += 1; if (i >> 16) log2 += 16, i >>= 16; if (i >> 8) log2 += 8, i >>= 8; if (i >> 4) log2 += 4, i >>= 4; if (i >> 2) log2 += 2, i >>= 2; if (i >> 1) log2 += 1; return log2; } Cache::LRUList* Cache::lruListFor(CachedResource* resource) { unsigned accessCount = max(resource->accessCount(), 1U); unsigned queueIndex = fastLog2(resource->encodedSize() / accessCount); #ifndef NDEBUG resource->m_lruIndex = queueIndex; #endif if (m_allResources.size() <= queueIndex) m_allResources.resize(queueIndex + 1); return &m_allResources[queueIndex]; } void Cache::removeFromLRUList(CachedResource* resource) { // If we've never been accessed, then we're brand new and not in any list. if (resource->accessCount() == 0) return; #ifndef NDEBUG unsigned oldListIndex = resource->m_lruIndex; #endif LRUList* list = lruListFor(resource); #ifndef NDEBUG // Verify that the list we got is the list we want. ASSERT(resource->m_lruIndex == oldListIndex); // Verify that we are in fact in this list. bool found = false; for (CachedResource* current = list->m_head; current; current = current->m_nextInAllResourcesList) { if (current == resource) { found = true; break; } } ASSERT(found); #endif CachedResource* next = resource->m_nextInAllResourcesList; CachedResource* prev = resource->m_prevInAllResourcesList; if (next == 0 && prev == 0 && list->m_head != resource) return; resource->m_nextInAllResourcesList = 0; resource->m_prevInAllResourcesList = 0; if (next) next->m_prevInAllResourcesList = prev; else if (list->m_tail == resource) list->m_tail = prev; if (prev) prev->m_nextInAllResourcesList = next; else if (list->m_head == resource) list->m_head = next; } void Cache::insertInLRUList(CachedResource* resource) { // Make sure we aren't in some list already. ASSERT(!resource->m_nextInAllResourcesList && !resource->m_prevInAllResourcesList); ASSERT(resource->inCache()); LRUList* list = lruListFor(resource); resource->m_nextInAllResourcesList = list->m_head; if (list->m_head) list->m_head->m_prevInAllResourcesList = resource; list->m_head = resource; if (!resource->m_nextInAllResourcesList) list->m_tail = resource; #ifndef NDEBUG // Verify that we are in now in the list like we should be. list = lruListFor(resource); bool found = false; for (CachedResource* current = list->m_head; current; current = current->m_nextInAllResourcesList) { if (current == resource) { found = true; break; } } ASSERT(found); #endif } void Cache::resourceAccessed(CachedResource* resource) { ASSERT(resource->inCache()); // Need to make sure to remove before we increase the access count, since // the queue will possibly change. removeFromLRUList(resource); // Add to our access count. resource->increaseAccessCount(); // Now insert into the new queue. insertInLRUList(resource); } void Cache::removeFromLiveDecodedResourcesList(CachedResource* resource) { // If we've never been accessed, then we're brand new and not in any list. if (!resource->m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList) return; resource->m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList = false; #ifndef NDEBUG // Verify that we are in fact in this list. bool found = false; for (CachedResource* current = m_liveDecodedResources.m_head; current; current = current->m_nextInLiveResourcesList) { if (current == resource) { found = true; break; } } ASSERT(found); #endif CachedResource* next = resource->m_nextInLiveResourcesList; CachedResource* prev = resource->m_prevInLiveResourcesList; if (next == 0 && prev == 0 && m_liveDecodedResources.m_head != resource) return; resource->m_nextInLiveResourcesList = 0; resource->m_prevInLiveResourcesList = 0; if (next) next->m_prevInLiveResourcesList = prev; else if (m_liveDecodedResources.m_tail == resource) m_liveDecodedResources.m_tail = prev; if (prev) prev->m_nextInLiveResourcesList = next; else if (m_liveDecodedResources.m_head == resource) m_liveDecodedResources.m_head = next; } void Cache::insertInLiveDecodedResourcesList(CachedResource* resource) { // Make sure we aren't in the list already. ASSERT(!resource->m_nextInLiveResourcesList && !resource->m_prevInLiveResourcesList && !resource->m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList); resource->m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList = true; resource->m_nextInLiveResourcesList = m_liveDecodedResources.m_head; if (m_liveDecodedResources.m_head) m_liveDecodedResources.m_head->m_prevInLiveResourcesList = resource; m_liveDecodedResources.m_head = resource; if (!resource->m_nextInLiveResourcesList) m_liveDecodedResources.m_tail = resource; #ifndef NDEBUG // Verify that we are in now in the list like we should be. bool found = false; for (CachedResource* current = m_liveDecodedResources.m_head; current; current = current->m_nextInLiveResourcesList) { if (current == resource) { found = true; break; } } ASSERT(found); #endif } void Cache::addToLiveResourcesSize(CachedResource* resource) { m_liveResourcesSize += resource->size(); m_liveDecodedSize += resource->decodedSize(); } void Cache::removeFromLiveResourcesSize(CachedResource* resource) { m_liveResourcesSize -= resource->size(); m_liveDecodedSize -= resource->decodedSize(); } void Cache::adjustSize(bool live, int delta, int decodedDelta) { ASSERT(delta >= 0 || ((int)m_currentSize + delta >= 0)); m_currentSize += delta; m_currentDecodedSize += decodedDelta; if (live) { ASSERT(delta >= 0 || ((int)m_liveResourcesSize + delta >= 0)); m_liveResourcesSize += delta; m_liveDecodedSize += decodedDelta; } } Cache::Statistics Cache::getStatistics() { Statistics stats; CachedResourceMap::iterator e = m_resources.end(); for (CachedResourceMap::iterator i = m_resources.begin(); i != e; ++i) { CachedResource *o = i->second; switch (o->type()) { case CachedResource::ImageResource: stats.images.count++; stats.images.size += o->size(); stats.images.liveSize += o->referenced() ? o->size() : 0; stats.images.decodedSize += o->decodedSize(); break; case CachedResource::CSSStyleSheet: stats.cssStyleSheets.count++; stats.cssStyleSheets.size += o->size(); stats.cssStyleSheets.liveSize += o->referenced() ? o->size() : 0; stats.cssStyleSheets.decodedSize += o->decodedSize(); break; case CachedResource::Script: stats.scripts.count++; stats.scripts.size += o->size(); stats.scripts.liveSize += o->referenced() ? o->size() : 0; stats.scripts.decodedSize += o->decodedSize(); break; #if ENABLE(XSLT) case CachedResource::XSLStyleSheet: stats.xslStyleSheets.count++; stats.xslStyleSheets.size += o->size(); stats.xslStyleSheets.liveSize += o->referenced() ? o->size() : 0; stats.xslStyleSheets.decodedSize += o->decodedSize(); break; #endif #if ENABLE(XBL) case CachedResource::XBL: stats.xblDocs.count++; stats.xblDocs.size += o->size(); stats.xblDocs.liveSize += o->referenced() ? o->size() : 0; stats.xblDocs.decodedSize += o->decodedSize(); break; #endif default: break; } } return stats; } void Cache::setDisabled(bool disabled) { m_disabled = disabled; if (!m_disabled) return; for (;;) { CachedResourceMap::iterator i = m_resources.begin(); if (i == m_resources.end()) break; remove(i->second); } } }