/** * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "HTMLCollection.h" #include "HTMLDocument.h" #include "HTMLElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLObjectElement.h" #include "NodeList.h" #include namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; HTMLCollection::HTMLCollection(Node *_base, HTMLCollection::Type _type) : m_base(_base), type(_type), info(0), idsDone(false), m_ownsInfo(false) { if (_base->isDocumentNode()) info = _base->document()->collectionInfo(type); } HTMLCollection::~HTMLCollection() { if (m_ownsInfo) delete info; } HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo::CollectionInfo() : version(0) { reset(); } HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo::CollectionInfo(const CollectionInfo& other) { version = other.version; current = other.current; position = other.position; length = other.length; elementsArrayPosition = other.elementsArrayPosition; copyCacheMap(idCache, other.idCache); copyCacheMap(nameCache, other.nameCache); haslength = other.haslength; hasNameCache = other.hasNameCache; } void HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo::swap(CollectionInfo& other) { std::swap(version, other.version); std::swap(current, other.current); std::swap(position, other.position); std::swap(length, other.length); std::swap(elementsArrayPosition, other.elementsArrayPosition); idCache.swap(other.idCache); nameCache.swap(other.nameCache); std::swap(haslength, other.haslength); std::swap(hasNameCache, other.hasNameCache); } HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo::~CollectionInfo() { deleteAllValues(idCache); deleteAllValues(nameCache); } void HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo::reset() { current = 0; position = 0; length = 0; haslength = false; elementsArrayPosition = 0; deleteAllValues(idCache); idCache.clear(); deleteAllValues(nameCache); nameCache.clear(); hasNameCache = false; } void HTMLCollection::resetCollectionInfo() const { unsigned int docversion = static_cast(m_base->document())->domTreeVersion(); if (!info) { info = new CollectionInfo; m_ownsInfo = true; info->version = docversion; return; } if (info->version != docversion) { info->reset(); info->version = docversion; } } Node *HTMLCollection::traverseNextItem(Node *current) const { ASSERT(current); if (type == NodeChildren && m_base.get() != current) current = current->nextSibling(); else current = current->traverseNextNode(m_base.get()); while (current) { if (current->isElementNode()) { bool found = false; bool deep = true; HTMLElement *e = static_cast(current); switch(type) { case DocImages: if (e->hasLocalName(imgTag)) found = true; break; case DocScripts: if (e->hasLocalName(scriptTag)) found = true; break; case DocForms: if(e->hasLocalName(formTag)) found = true; break; case TableTBodies: if (e->hasLocalName(tbodyTag)) found = true; else if (e->hasLocalName(tableTag)) deep = false; break; case TRCells: if (e->hasLocalName(tdTag) || e->hasLocalName(thTag)) found = true; else if (e->hasLocalName(tableTag)) deep = false; break; case TableRows: case TSectionRows: if (e->hasLocalName(trTag)) found = true; else if (e->hasLocalName(tableTag)) deep = false; break; case SelectOptions: if (e->hasLocalName(optionTag)) found = true; break; case MapAreas: if (e->hasLocalName(areaTag)) found = true; break; case DocApplets: // all APPLET elements and OBJECT elements that contain Java Applets if (e->hasLocalName(appletTag) || (e->hasLocalName(objectTag) && static_cast(e)->containsJavaApplet())) found = true; break; case DocEmbeds: // all EMBED elements if (e->hasLocalName(embedTag)) found = true; break; case DocObjects: // all OBJECT elements if (e->hasLocalName(objectTag)) found = true; break; case DocLinks: // all A _and_ AREA elements with a value for href if (e->hasLocalName(aTag) || e->hasLocalName(areaTag)) if (!e->getAttribute(hrefAttr).isNull()) found = true; break; case DocAnchors: // all A elements with a value for name or an id attribute if (e->hasLocalName(aTag)) if (!e->getAttribute(nameAttr).isNull()) found = true; break; case DocAll: found = true; break; case NodeChildren: found = true; deep = false; break; default: break; } if (found) return current; if (deep) { current = current->traverseNextNode(m_base.get()); continue; } } current = current->traverseNextSibling(m_base.get()); } return 0; } unsigned HTMLCollection::calcLength() const { unsigned len = 0; for (Node *current = traverseNextItem(m_base.get()); current; current = traverseNextItem(current)) { len++; } return len; } // since the collections are to be "live", we have to do the // calculation every time if anything has changed unsigned HTMLCollection::length() const { resetCollectionInfo(); if (!info->haslength) { info->length = calcLength(); info->haslength = true; } return info->length; } Node *HTMLCollection::item( unsigned index ) const { resetCollectionInfo(); if (info->current && info->position == index) { return info->current; } if (info->haslength && info->length <= index) { return 0; } if (!info->current || info->position > index) { info->current = traverseNextItem(m_base.get()); info->position = 0; if (!info->current) return 0; } Node *node = info->current; for (unsigned pos = info->position; node && pos < index; pos++) { node = traverseNextItem(node); } info->current = node; info->position = index; return info->current; } Node *HTMLCollection::firstItem() const { return item(0); } Node *HTMLCollection::nextItem() const { resetCollectionInfo(); // Look for the 'second' item. The first one is currentItem, already given back. Node *retval = traverseNextItem(info->current); info->current = retval; info->position++; return retval; } bool HTMLCollection::checkForNameMatch(Node *node, bool checkName, const String &name, bool caseSensitive) const { if (!node->isHTMLElement()) return false; HTMLElement *e = static_cast(node); if (caseSensitive) { if (checkName) { // document.all returns only images, forms, applets, objects and embeds // by name (though everything by id) if (type == DocAll && !(e->hasLocalName(imgTag) || e->hasLocalName(formTag) || e->hasLocalName(appletTag) || e->hasLocalName(objectTag) || e->hasLocalName(embedTag) || e->hasLocalName(inputTag) || e->hasLocalName(selectTag))) return false; return e->getAttribute(nameAttr) == name && e->getAttribute(idAttr) != name; } else return e->getAttribute(idAttr) == name; } else { if (checkName) { // document.all returns only images, forms, applets, objects and embeds // by name (though everything by id) if (type == DocAll && !(e->hasLocalName(imgTag) || e->hasLocalName(formTag) || e->hasLocalName(appletTag) || e->hasLocalName(objectTag) || e->hasLocalName(embedTag) || e->hasLocalName(inputTag) || e->hasLocalName(selectTag))) return false; return e->getAttribute(nameAttr).domString().lower() == name.lower() && e->getAttribute(idAttr).domString().lower() != name.lower(); } else { return e->getAttribute(idAttr).domString().lower() == name.lower(); } } } Node *HTMLCollection::namedItem(const String &name, bool caseSensitive) const { // http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/nameditem.asp // This method first searches for an object with a matching id // attribute. If a match is not found, the method then searches for an // object with a matching name attribute, but only on those elements // that are allowed a name attribute. resetCollectionInfo(); idsDone = false; Node *n; for (n = traverseNextItem(m_base.get()); n; n = traverseNextItem(n)) { if (checkForNameMatch(n, idsDone, name, caseSensitive)) break; } info->current = n; if(info->current) return info->current; idsDone = true; for (n = traverseNextItem(m_base.get()); n; n = traverseNextItem(n)) { if (checkForNameMatch(n, idsDone, name, caseSensitive)) break; } info->current = n; return info->current; } void HTMLCollection::updateNameCache() const { if (info->hasNameCache) return; for (Node *n = traverseNextItem(m_base.get()); n; n = traverseNextItem(n)) { if (!n->isHTMLElement()) continue; HTMLElement* e = static_cast(n); const AtomicString& idAttrVal = e->getAttribute(idAttr); const AtomicString& nameAttrVal = e->getAttribute(nameAttr); if (!idAttrVal.isEmpty()) { // add to id cache Vector* idVector = info->idCache.get(idAttrVal.impl()); if (!idVector) { idVector = new Vector; info->idCache.add(idAttrVal.impl(), idVector); } idVector->append(n); } if (!nameAttrVal.isEmpty() && idAttrVal != nameAttrVal && (type != DocAll || (e->hasLocalName(imgTag) || e->hasLocalName(formTag) || e->hasLocalName(appletTag) || e->hasLocalName(objectTag) || e->hasLocalName(embedTag) || e->hasLocalName(inputTag) || e->hasLocalName(selectTag)))) { // add to name cache Vector* nameVector = info->nameCache.get(nameAttrVal.impl()); if (!nameVector) { nameVector = new Vector; info->nameCache.add(nameAttrVal.impl(), nameVector); } nameVector->append(n); } } info->hasNameCache = true; } void HTMLCollection::namedItems(const AtomicString &name, Vector >& result) const { ASSERT(result.isEmpty()); if (name.isEmpty()) return; resetCollectionInfo(); updateNameCache(); Vector* idResults = info->idCache.get(name.impl()); Vector* nameResults = info->nameCache.get(name.impl()); for (unsigned i = 0; idResults && i < idResults->size(); ++i) result.append(idResults->at(i)); for (unsigned i = 0; nameResults && i < nameResults->size(); ++i) result.append(nameResults->at(i)); } Node *HTMLCollection::nextNamedItem(const String &name) const { resetCollectionInfo(); for (Node *n = traverseNextItem(info->current ? info->current : m_base.get()); n; n = traverseNextItem(n)) { if (checkForNameMatch(n, idsDone, name, true)) { info->current = n; return n; } } if (idsDone) { info->current = 0; return 0; } idsDone = true; for (Node *n = traverseNextItem(info->current ? info->current : m_base.get()); n; n = traverseNextItem(n)) { if (checkForNameMatch(n, idsDone, name, true)) { info->current = n; return n; } } return 0; } PassRefPtr HTMLCollection::tags(const String& name) { return base()->getElementsByTagName(name); } } // namespace WebCore