/* * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "CompositeEditCommand.h" #include "AppendNodeCommand.h" #include "ApplyStyleCommand.h" #include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h" #include "CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h" #include "CharacterNames.h" #include "DeleteFromTextNodeCommand.h" #include "DeleteSelectionCommand.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentFragment.h" #include "EditorInsertAction.h" #include "Element.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "InlineTextBox.h" #include "InsertIntoTextNodeCommand.h" #include "InsertNodeBeforeCommand.h" #include "InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.h" #include "InsertTextCommand.h" #include "JoinTextNodesCommand.h" #include "MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.h" #include "Range.h" #include "RemoveCSSPropertyCommand.h" #include "RemoveNodeAttributeCommand.h" #include "RemoveNodeCommand.h" #include "RemoveNodePreservingChildrenCommand.h" #include "ReplaceSelectionCommand.h" #include "SetNodeAttributeCommand.h" #include "SplitElementCommand.h" #include "SplitTextNodeCommand.h" #include "SplitTextNodeContainingElementCommand.h" #include "Text.h" #include "TextIterator.h" #include "WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "markup.h" #include "visible_units.h" using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; CompositeEditCommand::CompositeEditCommand(Document *document) : EditCommand(document) { } void CompositeEditCommand::doUnapply() { size_t size = m_commands.size(); for (size_t i = size; i != 0; --i) m_commands[i - 1]->unapply(); } void CompositeEditCommand::doReapply() { size_t size = m_commands.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) m_commands[i]->reapply(); } // // sugary-sweet convenience functions to help create and apply edit commands in composite commands // void CompositeEditCommand::applyCommandToComposite(PassRefPtr cmd) { cmd->setParent(this); cmd->apply(); m_commands.append(cmd); } void CompositeEditCommand::applyStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration* style, EditAction editingAction) { applyCommandToComposite(new ApplyStyleCommand(document(), style, editingAction)); } void CompositeEditCommand::applyStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration* style, const Position& start, const Position& end, EditAction editingAction) { applyCommandToComposite(new ApplyStyleCommand(document(), style, start, end, editingAction)); } void CompositeEditCommand::applyStyledElement(Element* element) { applyCommandToComposite(new ApplyStyleCommand(element, false)); } void CompositeEditCommand::removeStyledElement(Element* element) { applyCommandToComposite(new ApplyStyleCommand(element, true)); } void CompositeEditCommand::insertParagraphSeparator() { applyCommandToComposite(new InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand(document())); } void CompositeEditCommand::insertNodeBefore(Node* insertChild, Node* refChild) { ASSERT(!refChild->hasTagName(bodyTag)); applyCommandToComposite(new InsertNodeBeforeCommand(insertChild, refChild)); } void CompositeEditCommand::insertNodeAfter(Node* insertChild, Node* refChild) { ASSERT(!refChild->hasTagName(bodyTag)); if (refChild->parentNode()->lastChild() == refChild) appendNode(insertChild, refChild->parentNode()); else { ASSERT(refChild->nextSibling()); insertNodeBefore(insertChild, refChild->nextSibling()); } } void CompositeEditCommand::insertNodeAt(Node* insertChild, const Position& editingPosition) { ASSERT(isEditablePosition(editingPosition)); // For editing positions like [table, 0], insert before the table, // likewise for replaced elements, brs, etc. Position p = rangeCompliantEquivalent(editingPosition); Node* refChild = p.node(); int offset = p.offset(); if (canHaveChildrenForEditing(refChild)) { Node* child = refChild->firstChild(); for (int i = 0; child && i < offset; i++) child = child->nextSibling(); if (child) insertNodeBefore(insertChild, child); else appendNode(insertChild, refChild); } else if (refChild->caretMinOffset() >= offset) { insertNodeBefore(insertChild, refChild); } else if (refChild->isTextNode() && refChild->caretMaxOffset() > offset) { splitTextNode(static_cast(refChild), offset); insertNodeBefore(insertChild, refChild); } else { insertNodeAfter(insertChild, refChild); } } void CompositeEditCommand::appendNode(Node* newChild, Node* parent) { ASSERT(canHaveChildrenForEditing(parent)); applyCommandToComposite(new AppendNodeCommand(parent, newChild)); } void CompositeEditCommand::removeChildrenInRange(Node* node, int from, int to) { Node* nodeToRemove = node->childNode(from); for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { ASSERT(nodeToRemove); Node* next = nodeToRemove->nextSibling(); removeNode(nodeToRemove); nodeToRemove = next; } } void CompositeEditCommand::removeNode(Node* removeChild) { applyCommandToComposite(new RemoveNodeCommand(removeChild)); } void CompositeEditCommand::removeNodePreservingChildren(Node* removeChild) { applyCommandToComposite(new RemoveNodePreservingChildrenCommand(removeChild)); } void CompositeEditCommand::removeNodeAndPruneAncestors(Node* node) { RefPtr parent = node->parentNode(); removeNode(node); prune(parent); } bool hasARenderedDescendant(Node* node) { Node* n = node->firstChild(); while (n) { if (n->renderer()) return true; n = n->traverseNextNode(node); } return false; } void CompositeEditCommand::prune(PassRefPtr node) { while (node) { // If you change this rule you may have to add an updateLayout() here. RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); if (renderer && (!renderer->canHaveChildren() || hasARenderedDescendant(node.get()) || node->rootEditableElement() == node)) return; RefPtr next = node->parentNode(); removeNode(node.get()); node = next; } } void CompositeEditCommand::splitTextNode(Text *text, int offset) { applyCommandToComposite(new SplitTextNodeCommand(text, offset)); } void CompositeEditCommand::splitElement(Element* element, Node* atChild) { applyCommandToComposite(new SplitElementCommand(element, atChild)); } void CompositeEditCommand::mergeIdenticalElements(Element* first, Element* second) { ASSERT(!first->isDescendantOf(second) && second != first); if (first->nextSibling() != second) { removeNode(second); insertNodeAfter(second, first); } applyCommandToComposite(new MergeIdenticalElementsCommand(first, second)); } void CompositeEditCommand::wrapContentsInDummySpan(Element* element) { applyCommandToComposite(new WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand(element)); } void CompositeEditCommand::splitTextNodeContainingElement(Text *text, int offset) { applyCommandToComposite(new SplitTextNodeContainingElementCommand(text, offset)); } void CompositeEditCommand::joinTextNodes(Text *text1, Text *text2) { applyCommandToComposite(new JoinTextNodesCommand(text1, text2)); } void CompositeEditCommand::inputText(const String &text, bool selectInsertedText) { RefPtr command = new InsertTextCommand(document()); applyCommandToComposite(command); command->input(text, selectInsertedText); } void CompositeEditCommand::insertTextIntoNode(Text *node, int offset, const String &text) { applyCommandToComposite(new InsertIntoTextNodeCommand(node, offset, text)); } void CompositeEditCommand::deleteTextFromNode(Text *node, int offset, int count) { applyCommandToComposite(new DeleteFromTextNodeCommand(node, offset, count)); } void CompositeEditCommand::replaceTextInNode(Text *node, int offset, int count, const String &replacementText) { applyCommandToComposite(new DeleteFromTextNodeCommand(node, offset, count)); applyCommandToComposite(new InsertIntoTextNodeCommand(node, offset, replacementText)); } Position CompositeEditCommand::positionOutsideTabSpan(const Position& pos) { if (!isTabSpanTextNode(pos.node())) return pos; Node* tabSpan = tabSpanNode(pos.node()); if (pos.offset() <= pos.node()->caretMinOffset()) return positionBeforeNode(tabSpan); if (pos.offset() >= pos.node()->caretMaxOffset()) return positionAfterNode(tabSpan); splitTextNodeContainingElement(static_cast(pos.node()), pos.offset()); return positionBeforeNode(tabSpan); } void CompositeEditCommand::insertNodeAtTabSpanPosition(Node* node, const Position& pos) { // insert node before, after, or at split of tab span Position insertPos = positionOutsideTabSpan(pos); insertNodeAt(node, insertPos); } void CompositeEditCommand::deleteSelection(bool smartDelete, bool mergeBlocksAfterDelete, bool replace, bool expandForSpecialElements) { if (endingSelection().isRange()) applyCommandToComposite(new DeleteSelectionCommand(document(), smartDelete, mergeBlocksAfterDelete, replace, expandForSpecialElements)); } void CompositeEditCommand::deleteSelection(const Selection &selection, bool smartDelete, bool mergeBlocksAfterDelete, bool replace, bool expandForSpecialElements) { if (selection.isRange()) applyCommandToComposite(new DeleteSelectionCommand(selection, smartDelete, mergeBlocksAfterDelete, replace, expandForSpecialElements)); } void CompositeEditCommand::removeCSSProperty(CSSStyleDeclaration *decl, int property) { applyCommandToComposite(new RemoveCSSPropertyCommand(document(), decl, property)); } void CompositeEditCommand::removeNodeAttribute(Element* element, const QualifiedName& attribute) { if (element->getAttribute(attribute).isNull()) return; applyCommandToComposite(new RemoveNodeAttributeCommand(element, attribute)); } void CompositeEditCommand::setNodeAttribute(Element* element, const QualifiedName& attribute, const String &value) { applyCommandToComposite(new SetNodeAttributeCommand(element, attribute, value)); } static inline bool isWhitespace(UChar c) { return c == noBreakSpace || c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'; } // FIXME: Doesn't go into text nodes that contribute adjacent text (siblings, cousins, etc). void CompositeEditCommand::rebalanceWhitespaceAt(const Position& position) { Node* node = position.node(); if (!node || !node->isTextNode()) return; Text* textNode = static_cast(node); if (textNode->length() == 0) return; RenderObject* renderer = textNode->renderer(); if (renderer && !renderer->style()->collapseWhiteSpace()) return; String text = textNode->data(); ASSERT(!text.isEmpty()); int offset = position.offset(); // If neither text[offset] nor text[offset - 1] are some form of whitespace, do nothing. if (!isWhitespace(text[offset])) { offset--; if (offset < 0 || !isWhitespace(text[offset])) return; } // Set upstream and downstream to define the extent of the whitespace surrounding text[offset]. int upstream = offset; while (upstream > 0 && isWhitespace(text[upstream - 1])) upstream--; int downstream = offset; while ((unsigned)downstream + 1 < text.length() && isWhitespace(text[downstream + 1])) downstream++; int length = downstream - upstream + 1; ASSERT(length > 0); VisiblePosition visibleUpstreamPos(Position(position.node(), upstream)); VisiblePosition visibleDownstreamPos(Position(position.node(), downstream + 1)); String string = text.substring(upstream, length); String rebalancedString = stringWithRebalancedWhitespace(string, // FIXME: Because of the problem mentioned at the top of this function, we must also use nbsps at the start/end of the string because // this function doesn't get all surrounding whitespace, just the whitespace in the current text node. isStartOfParagraph(visibleUpstreamPos) || upstream == 0, isEndOfParagraph(visibleDownstreamPos) || (unsigned)downstream == text.length() - 1); if (string != rebalancedString) replaceTextInNode(textNode, upstream, length, rebalancedString); } void CompositeEditCommand::prepareWhitespaceAtPositionForSplit(Position& position) { Node* node = position.node(); if (!node || !node->isTextNode()) return; Text* textNode = static_cast(node); if (textNode->length() == 0) return; RenderObject* renderer = textNode->renderer(); if (renderer && !renderer->style()->collapseWhiteSpace()) return; // Delete collapsed whitespace so that inserting nbsps doesn't uncollapse it. Position upstreamPos = position.upstream(); deleteInsignificantText(position.upstream(), position.downstream()); position = upstreamPos.downstream(); VisiblePosition visiblePos(position); VisiblePosition previousVisiblePos(visiblePos.next()); Position previous(previousVisiblePos.deepEquivalent()); if (isCollapsibleWhitespace(previousVisiblePos.characterAfter()) && previous.node()->isTextNode() && !previous.node()->hasTagName(brTag)) replaceTextInNode(static_cast(previous.node()), previous.offset(), 1, nonBreakingSpaceString()); if (isCollapsibleWhitespace(visiblePos.characterAfter()) && position.node()->isTextNode() && !position.node()->hasTagName(brTag)) replaceTextInNode(static_cast(position.node()), position.offset(), 1, nonBreakingSpaceString()); } void CompositeEditCommand::rebalanceWhitespace() { Selection selection = endingSelection(); if (selection.isNone()) return; rebalanceWhitespaceAt(selection.start()); if (selection.isRange()) rebalanceWhitespaceAt(selection.end()); } void CompositeEditCommand::deleteInsignificantText(Text* textNode, int start, int end) { if (!textNode || !textNode->renderer() || start >= end) return; RenderText* textRenderer = static_cast(textNode->renderer()); InlineTextBox* box = textRenderer->firstTextBox(); if (!box) { // whole text node is empty removeNode(textNode); return; } int length = textNode->length(); if (start >= length || end > length) return; int removed = 0; InlineTextBox* prevBox = 0; RefPtr str; // This loop structure works to process all gaps preceding a box, // and also will look at the gap after the last box. while (prevBox || box) { int gapStart = prevBox ? prevBox->m_start + prevBox->m_len : 0; if (end < gapStart) // No more chance for any intersections break; int gapEnd = box ? box->m_start : length; bool indicesIntersect = start <= gapEnd && end >= gapStart; int gapLen = gapEnd - gapStart; if (indicesIntersect && gapLen > 0) { gapStart = max(gapStart, start); gapEnd = min(gapEnd, end); if (!str) str = textNode->string()->substring(start, end - start); // remove text in the gap str->remove(gapStart - start - removed, gapLen); removed += gapLen; } prevBox = box; if (box) box = box->nextTextBox(); } if (str) { // Replace the text between start and end with our pruned version. if (str->length() > 0) { replaceTextInNode(textNode, start, end - start, str.get()); } else { // Assert that we are not going to delete all of the text in the node. // If we were, that should have been done above with the call to // removeNode and return. ASSERT(start > 0 || (unsigned)end - start < textNode->length()); deleteTextFromNode(textNode, start, end - start); } } } void CompositeEditCommand::deleteInsignificantText(const Position& start, const Position& end) { if (start.isNull() || end.isNull()) return; if (Range::compareBoundaryPoints(start, end) >= 0) return; Node* next; for (Node* node = start.node(); node; node = next) { next = node->traverseNextNode(); if (node->isTextNode()) { Text* textNode = static_cast(node); int startOffset = node == start.node() ? start.offset() : 0; int endOffset = node == end.node() ? end.offset() : textNode->length(); deleteInsignificantText(textNode, startOffset, endOffset); } if (node == end.node()) break; } } void CompositeEditCommand::deleteInsignificantTextDownstream(const Position& pos) { Position end = VisiblePosition(pos, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY).next().deepEquivalent().downstream(); deleteInsignificantText(pos, end); } Node* CompositeEditCommand::appendBlockPlaceholder(Node* node) { if (!node) return 0; // Should assert isBlockFlow || isInlineFlow when deletion improves. See 4244964. ASSERT(node->renderer()); RefPtr placeholder = createBlockPlaceholderElement(document()); appendNode(placeholder.get(), node); return placeholder.get(); } Node* CompositeEditCommand::insertBlockPlaceholder(const Position& pos) { if (pos.isNull()) return 0; // Should assert isBlockFlow || isInlineFlow when deletion improves. See 4244964. ASSERT(pos.node()->renderer()); RefPtr placeholder = createBlockPlaceholderElement(document()); insertNodeAt(placeholder.get(), pos); return placeholder.get(); } Node* CompositeEditCommand::addBlockPlaceholderIfNeeded(Node* node) { if (!node) return 0; updateLayout(); RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer || !renderer->isBlockFlow()) return 0; // append the placeholder to make sure it follows // any unrendered blocks if (renderer->height() == 0 || (renderer->isListItem() && renderer->isEmpty())) return appendBlockPlaceholder(node); return 0; } // Removes '\n's and brs that will collapse when content is inserted just before them. // FIXME: We shouldn't really have to remove placeholders, but removing them is a workaround for 9661. void CompositeEditCommand::removePlaceholderAt(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition) { if (visiblePosition.isNull()) return; Position p = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent().downstream(); // If a br or '\n' is at the end of a block and not at the start of a paragraph, // then it is superfluous, so adding content before a br or '\n' that is at // the start of a paragraph will render it superfluous. // FIXME: This doesn't remove placeholders at the end of anonymous blocks. if (isEndOfBlock(visiblePosition) && isStartOfParagraph(visiblePosition)) { if (p.node()->hasTagName(brTag) && p.offset() == 0) removeNode(p.node()); else if (lineBreakExistsAtPosition(visiblePosition)) deleteTextFromNode(static_cast(p.node()), p.offset(), 1); } } Node* CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphContentsToNewBlockIfNecessary(const Position& pos) { if (pos.isNull()) return 0; updateLayout(); VisiblePosition visiblePos(pos, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY); VisiblePosition visibleParagraphStart(startOfParagraph(visiblePos)); VisiblePosition visibleParagraphEnd = endOfParagraph(visiblePos); VisiblePosition next = visibleParagraphEnd.next(); VisiblePosition visibleEnd = next.isNotNull() ? next : visibleParagraphEnd; Position paragraphStart = visibleParagraphStart.deepEquivalent().upstream(); Position end = visibleEnd.deepEquivalent().upstream(); // If there are no VisiblePositions in the same block as pos then // paragraphStart will be outside the paragraph if (Range::compareBoundaryPoints(pos, paragraphStart) < 0) return 0; // Perform some checks to see if we need to perform work in this function. if (isBlock(paragraphStart.node())) { if (isBlock(end.node())) { if (!end.node()->isDescendantOf(paragraphStart.node())) { // If the paragraph end is a descendant of paragraph start, then we need to run // the rest of this function. If not, we can bail here. return 0; } } else if (enclosingBlock(end.node()) != paragraphStart.node()) { // The visibleEnd. It must be an ancestor of the paragraph start. // We can bail as we have a full block to work with. ASSERT(paragraphStart.node()->isDescendantOf(enclosingBlock(end.node()))); return 0; } else if (isEndOfDocument(visibleEnd)) { // At the end of the document. We can bail here as well. return 0; } } RefPtr newBlock = createDefaultParagraphElement(document()); appendNode(createBreakElement(document()).get(), newBlock.get()); insertNodeAt(newBlock.get(), paragraphStart); moveParagraphs(visibleParagraphStart, visibleParagraphEnd, VisiblePosition(Position(newBlock.get(), 0))); return newBlock.get(); } void CompositeEditCommand::pushAnchorElementDown(Node* anchorNode) { if (!anchorNode) return; ASSERT(anchorNode->isLink()); setEndingSelection(Selection::selectionFromContentsOfNode(anchorNode)); applyStyledElement(static_cast(anchorNode)); // Clones of anchorNode have been pushed down, now remove it. if (anchorNode->inDocument()) removeNodePreservingChildren(anchorNode); } // We must push partially selected anchors down before creating or removing // links from a selection to create fully selected chunks that can be removed. // ApplyStyleCommand doesn't do this for us because styles can be nested. // Anchors cannot be nested. void CompositeEditCommand::pushPartiallySelectedAnchorElementsDown() { Selection originalSelection = endingSelection(); VisiblePosition visibleStart(originalSelection.start()); VisiblePosition visibleEnd(originalSelection.end()); Node* startAnchor = enclosingAnchorElement(originalSelection.start()); VisiblePosition startOfStartAnchor(Position(startAnchor, 0)); if (startAnchor && startOfStartAnchor != visibleStart) pushAnchorElementDown(startAnchor); Node* endAnchor = enclosingAnchorElement(originalSelection.end()); VisiblePosition endOfEndAnchor(Position(endAnchor, 0)); if (endAnchor && endOfEndAnchor != visibleEnd) pushAnchorElementDown(endAnchor); ASSERT(originalSelection.start().node()->inDocument() && originalSelection.end().node()->inDocument()); setEndingSelection(originalSelection); } // This moves a paragraph preserving its style. void CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraph(const VisiblePosition& startOfParagraphToMove, const VisiblePosition& endOfParagraphToMove, const VisiblePosition& destination, bool preserveSelection, bool preserveStyle) { ASSERT(isStartOfParagraph(startOfParagraphToMove)); ASSERT(isEndOfParagraph(endOfParagraphToMove)); moveParagraphs(startOfParagraphToMove, endOfParagraphToMove, destination, preserveSelection, preserveStyle); } void CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphs(const VisiblePosition& startOfParagraphToMove, const VisiblePosition& endOfParagraphToMove, const VisiblePosition& destination, bool preserveSelection, bool preserveStyle) { if (startOfParagraphToMove == destination) return; int startIndex = -1; int endIndex = -1; int destinationIndex = -1; if (preserveSelection && !endingSelection().isNone()) { VisiblePosition visibleStart = endingSelection().visibleStart(); VisiblePosition visibleEnd = endingSelection().visibleEnd(); bool startAfterParagraph = Range::compareBoundaryPoints(visibleStart.deepEquivalent(), endOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent()) > 0; bool endBeforeParagraph = Range::compareBoundaryPoints(visibleEnd.deepEquivalent(), startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent()) < 0; if (!startAfterParagraph && !endBeforeParagraph) { bool startInParagraph = Range::compareBoundaryPoints(visibleStart.deepEquivalent(), startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent()) >= 0; bool endInParagraph = Range::compareBoundaryPoints(visibleEnd.deepEquivalent(), endOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent()) <= 0; startIndex = 0; if (startInParagraph) { RefPtr startRange = new Range(document(), startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent(), visibleStart.deepEquivalent()); startIndex = TextIterator::rangeLength(startRange.get(), true); } endIndex = 0; if (endInParagraph) { RefPtr endRange = new Range(document(), startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent(), visibleEnd.deepEquivalent()); endIndex = TextIterator::rangeLength(endRange.get(), true); } } } VisiblePosition beforeParagraph = startOfParagraphToMove.previous(); VisiblePosition afterParagraph(endOfParagraphToMove.next()); // We upstream() the end and downstream() the start so that we don't include collapsed whitespace in the move. // When we paste a fragment, spaces after the end and before the start are treated as though they were rendered. Position start = startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent().downstream(); Position end = endOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent().upstream(); // start and end can't be used directly to create a Range; they are "editing positions" Position startRangeCompliant = rangeCompliantEquivalent(start); Position endRangeCompliant = rangeCompliantEquivalent(end); RefPtr range = new Range(document(), startRangeCompliant.node(), startRangeCompliant.offset(), endRangeCompliant.node(), endRangeCompliant.offset()); // FIXME: This is an inefficient way to preserve style on nodes in the paragraph to move. It // shouldn't matter though, since moved paragraphs will usually be quite small. RefPtr fragment = startOfParagraphToMove != endOfParagraphToMove ? createFragmentFromMarkup(document(), createMarkup(range.get(), 0, DoNotAnnotateForInterchange, true), "") : 0; // FIXME (5098931): We should add a new insert action "WebViewInsertActionMoved" and call shouldInsertFragment here. setEndingSelection(Selection(start, end, DOWNSTREAM)); deleteSelection(false, false, false, false); ASSERT(destination.deepEquivalent().node()->inDocument()); // There are bugs in deletion when it removes a fully selected table/list. // It expands and removes the entire table/list, but will let content // before and after the table/list collapse onto one line. // Deleting a paragraph will leave a placeholder. Remove it (and prune // empty or unrendered parents). VisiblePosition caretAfterDelete = endingSelection().visibleStart(); if (isStartOfParagraph(caretAfterDelete) && isEndOfParagraph(caretAfterDelete)) { // Note: We want the rightmost candidate. Position position = caretAfterDelete.deepEquivalent().downstream(); Node* node = position.node(); // Normally deletion will leave a br as a placeholder. if (node->hasTagName(brTag)) removeNodeAndPruneAncestors(node); // If the selection to move was empty and in an empty block that // doesn't require a placeholder to prop itself open (like a bordered // div or an li), remove it during the move (the list removal code // expects this behavior). else if (isBlock(node)) removeNodeAndPruneAncestors(node); else if (lineBreakExistsAtPosition(caretAfterDelete)) deleteTextFromNode(static_cast(node), position.offset(), 1); } // Add a br if pruning an empty block level element caused a collapse. For example: // foo^ //
// baz // Imagine moving 'bar' to ^. 'bar' will be deleted and its div pruned. That would // cause 'baz' to collapse onto the line with 'foobar' unless we insert a br. // Must recononicalize these two VisiblePositions after the pruning above. beforeParagraph = VisiblePosition(beforeParagraph.deepEquivalent()); afterParagraph = VisiblePosition(afterParagraph.deepEquivalent()); if (beforeParagraph.isNotNull() && (!isEndOfParagraph(beforeParagraph) || beforeParagraph == afterParagraph)) { // FIXME: Trim text between beforeParagraph and afterParagraph if they aren't equal. insertNodeAt(createBreakElement(document()).get(), beforeParagraph.deepEquivalent()); // Need an updateLayout here in case inserting the br has split a text node. updateLayout(); } RefPtr startToDestinationRange(new Range(document(), Position(document(), 0), rangeCompliantEquivalent(destination.deepEquivalent()))); destinationIndex = TextIterator::rangeLength(startToDestinationRange.get(), true); setEndingSelection(destination); applyCommandToComposite(new ReplaceSelectionCommand(document(), fragment.get(), true, false, !preserveStyle, false, true)); if (preserveSelection && startIndex != -1) { // Fragment creation (using createMarkup) incorrectly uses regular // spaces instead of nbsps for some spaces that were rendered (11475), which // causes spaces to be collapsed during the move operation. This results // in a call to rangeFromLocationAndLength with a location past the end // of the document (which will return null). RefPtr start = TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(document()->documentElement(), destinationIndex + startIndex, 0, true); RefPtr end = TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(document()->documentElement(), destinationIndex + endIndex, 0, true); if (start && end) setEndingSelection(Selection(start->startPosition(), end->startPosition(), DOWNSTREAM)); } } // FIXME: Send an appropriate shouldDeleteRange call. bool CompositeEditCommand::breakOutOfEmptyListItem() { Node* emptyListItem = enclosingEmptyListItem(endingSelection().visibleStart()); if (!emptyListItem) return false; RefPtr style = styleAtPosition(endingSelection().start()); Node* listNode = emptyListItem->parentNode(); RefPtr newBlock = isListElement(listNode->parentNode()) ? createListItemElement(document()) : createDefaultParagraphElement(document()); if (emptyListItem->renderer()->nextSibling()) { if (emptyListItem->renderer()->previousSibling()) splitElement(static_cast(listNode), emptyListItem); insertNodeBefore(newBlock.get(), listNode); removeNode(emptyListItem); } else { insertNodeAfter(newBlock.get(), listNode); removeNode(emptyListItem->renderer()->previousSibling() ? emptyListItem : listNode); } appendBlockPlaceholder(newBlock.get()); setEndingSelection(Selection(Position(newBlock.get(), 0), DOWNSTREAM)); CSSComputedStyleDeclaration endingStyle(endingSelection().start().node()); endingStyle.diff(style.get()); if (style->length() > 0) applyStyle(style.get()); return true; } // Operations use this function to avoid inserting content into an anchor when at the start or the end of // that anchor, as in NSTextView. // FIXME: This is only an approximation of NSTextViews insertion behavior, which varies depending on how // the caret was made. Position CompositeEditCommand::positionAvoidingSpecialElementBoundary(const Position& original, bool alwaysAvoidAnchors) { if (original.isNull()) return original; VisiblePosition visiblePos(original); Node* enclosingAnchor = enclosingAnchorElement(original); Position result = original; // Don't avoid block level anchors, because that would insert content into the wrong paragraph. if (enclosingAnchor && !isBlock(enclosingAnchor)) { VisiblePosition firstInAnchor(Position(enclosingAnchor, 0)); VisiblePosition lastInAnchor(Position(enclosingAnchor, maxDeepOffset(enclosingAnchor))); // If visually just after the anchor, insert *inside* the anchor unless it's the last // VisiblePosition in the document, to match NSTextView. if (visiblePos == lastInAnchor && (isEndOfDocument(visiblePos) || alwaysAvoidAnchors)) { // Make sure anchors are pushed down before avoiding them so that we don't // also avoid structural elements like lists and blocks (5142012). if (original.node() != enclosingAnchor && original.node()->parentNode() != enclosingAnchor) { pushAnchorElementDown(enclosingAnchor); enclosingAnchor = enclosingAnchorElement(original); } // Don't insert outside an anchor if doing so would skip over a line break. It would // probably be safe to move the line break so that we could still avoid the anchor here. Position downstream(visiblePos.deepEquivalent().downstream()); if (lineBreakExistsAtPosition(visiblePos) && downstream.node()->isDescendantOf(enclosingAnchor)) return original; result = positionAfterNode(enclosingAnchor); } // If visually just before an anchor, insert *outside* the anchor unless it's the first // VisiblePosition in a paragraph, to match NSTextView. if (visiblePos == firstInAnchor && (!isStartOfParagraph(visiblePos) || alwaysAvoidAnchors)) { // Make sure anchors are pushed down before avoiding them so that we don't // also avoid structural elements like lists and blocks (5142012). if (original.node() != enclosingAnchor && original.node()->parentNode() != enclosingAnchor) { pushAnchorElementDown(enclosingAnchor); enclosingAnchor = enclosingAnchorElement(original); } result = positionBeforeNode(enclosingAnchor); } } if (result.isNull() || !editableRootForPosition(result)) result = original; return result; } PassRefPtr createBlockPlaceholderElement(Document* document) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; RefPtr breakNode = document->createElementNS(xhtmlNamespaceURI, "br", ec); ASSERT(ec == 0); static String classString = "webkit-block-placeholder"; breakNode->setAttribute(classAttr, classString); return breakNode.release(); } } // namespace WebCore