/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 James G. Speth (speth@end.com) * Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig (sam.weinig@gmail.com) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "config.h" #import "DOMCSS.h" #import "CSSCharsetRule.h" #import "CSSFontFaceRule.h" #import "CSSImportRule.h" #import "CSSMediaRule.h" #import "CSSPageRule.h" #import "CSSPrimitiveValue.h" #import "CSSRule.h" #import "CSSRuleList.h" #import "CSSStyleDeclaration.h" #import "CSSStyleRule.h" #import "CSSStyleSheet.h" #import "CSSValueList.h" #import "DOMInternal.h" #import "DOMPrivate.h" #import "StyleSheet.h" #import #if ENABLE(SVG) #import "DOMSVGColor.h" #import "DOMSVGPaint.h" #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DOMStyleSheet @implementation DOMStyleSheet (WebCoreInternal) - (WebCore::StyleSheet *)_styleSheet { return reinterpret_cast(_internal); } - (id)_initWithStyleSheet:(WebCore::StyleSheet *)impl { [super _init]; _internal = reinterpret_cast(impl); impl->ref(); WebCore::addDOMWrapper(self, impl); return self; } + (DOMStyleSheet *)_wrapStyleSheet:(WebCore::StyleSheet *)impl { if (!impl) return nil; id cachedInstance; cachedInstance = WebCore::getDOMWrapper(impl); if (cachedInstance) return [[cachedInstance retain] autorelease]; Class wrapperClass; if (impl->isCSSStyleSheet()) wrapperClass = [DOMCSSStyleSheet class]; else wrapperClass = [DOMStyleSheet class]; return [[[wrapperClass alloc] _initWithStyleSheet:impl] autorelease]; } @end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DOMCSSRule @implementation DOMCSSRule (WebCoreInternal) - (WebCore::CSSRule *)_CSSRule { return reinterpret_cast(_internal); } - (id)_initWithCSSRule:(WebCore::CSSRule *)impl { [super _init]; _internal = reinterpret_cast(impl); impl->ref(); WebCore::addDOMWrapper(self, impl); return self; } + (DOMCSSRule *)_wrapCSSRule:(WebCore::CSSRule *)impl { if (!impl) return nil; id cachedInstance; cachedInstance = WebCore::getDOMWrapper(impl); if (cachedInstance) return [[cachedInstance retain] autorelease]; Class wrapperClass = nil; switch (impl->type()) { case DOM_UNKNOWN_RULE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSUnknownRule class]; break; case DOM_STYLE_RULE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSStyleRule class]; break; case DOM_CHARSET_RULE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSCharsetRule class]; break; case DOM_IMPORT_RULE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSImportRule class]; break; case DOM_MEDIA_RULE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSMediaRule class]; break; case DOM_FONT_FACE_RULE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSFontFaceRule class]; break; case DOM_PAGE_RULE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSPageRule class]; break; } return [[[wrapperClass alloc] _initWithCSSRule:impl] autorelease]; } @end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DOMCSSValue @implementation DOMCSSValue (WebCoreInternal) - (WebCore::CSSValue *)_CSSValue { return reinterpret_cast(_internal); } - (id)_initWithCSSValue:(WebCore::CSSValue *)impl { [super _init]; _internal = reinterpret_cast(impl); impl->ref(); WebCore::addDOMWrapper(self, impl); return self; } + (DOMCSSValue *)_wrapCSSValue:(WebCore::CSSValue *)impl { if (!impl) return nil; id cachedInstance; cachedInstance = WebCore::getDOMWrapper(impl); if (cachedInstance) return [[cachedInstance retain] autorelease]; Class wrapperClass = nil; switch (impl->cssValueType()) { case DOM_CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSPrimitiveValue class]; break; case DOM_CSS_VALUE_LIST: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSValueList class]; break; case DOM_CSS_INHERIT: wrapperClass = [DOMCSSValue class]; break; case DOM_CSS_CUSTOM: #if ENABLE(SVG) if (impl->isSVGPaint()) wrapperClass = [DOMSVGPaint class]; else if (impl->isSVGColor()) wrapperClass = [DOMSVGColor class]; else #endif wrapperClass = [DOMCSSValue class]; break; } return [[[wrapperClass alloc] _initWithCSSValue:impl] autorelease]; } @end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DOMCSSStyleDeclaration CSS2 Properties @implementation DOMCSSStyleDeclaration (DOMCSS2Properties) - (NSString *)azimuth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"azimuth"]; } - (void)setAzimuth:(NSString *)azimuth { [self setProperty:@"azimuth" value:azimuth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)background { return [self getPropertyValue:@"background"]; } - (void)setBackground:(NSString *)background { [self setProperty:@"background" value:background priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)backgroundAttachment { return [self getPropertyValue:@"background-attachment"]; } - (void)setBackgroundAttachment:(NSString *)backgroundAttachment { [self setProperty:@"background-attachment" value:backgroundAttachment priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)backgroundColor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"background-color"]; } - (void)setBackgroundColor:(NSString *)backgroundColor { [self setProperty:@"background-color" value:backgroundColor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)backgroundImage { return [self getPropertyValue:@"background-image"]; } - (void)setBackgroundImage:(NSString *)backgroundImage { [self setProperty:@"background-image" value:backgroundImage priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)backgroundPosition { return [self getPropertyValue:@"background-position"]; } - (void)setBackgroundPosition:(NSString *)backgroundPosition { [self setProperty:@"background-position" value:backgroundPosition priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)backgroundRepeat { return [self getPropertyValue:@"background-repeat"]; } - (void)setBackgroundRepeat:(NSString *)backgroundRepeat { [self setProperty:@"background-repeat" value:backgroundRepeat priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)border { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border"]; } - (void)setBorder:(NSString *)border { [self setProperty:@"border" value:border priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderCollapse { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-collapse"]; } - (void)setBorderCollapse:(NSString *)borderCollapse { [self setProperty:@"border-collapse" value:borderCollapse priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderColor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-color"]; } - (void)setBorderColor:(NSString *)borderColor { [self setProperty:@"border-color" value:borderColor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderSpacing { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-spacing"]; } - (void)setBorderSpacing:(NSString *)borderSpacing { [self setProperty:@"border-spacing" value:borderSpacing priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-style"]; } - (void)setBorderStyle:(NSString *)borderStyle { [self setProperty:@"border-style" value:borderStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderTop { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-top"]; } - (void)setBorderTop:(NSString *)borderTop { [self setProperty:@"border-top" value:borderTop priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderRight { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-right"]; } - (void)setBorderRight:(NSString *)borderRight { [self setProperty:@"border-right" value:borderRight priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderBottom { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-bottom"]; } - (void)setBorderBottom:(NSString *)borderBottom { [self setProperty:@"border-bottom" value:borderBottom priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderLeft { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-left"]; } - (void)setBorderLeft:(NSString *)borderLeft { [self setProperty:@"border-left" value:borderLeft priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderTopColor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-top-color"]; } - (void)setBorderTopColor:(NSString *)borderTopColor { [self setProperty:@"border-top-color" value:borderTopColor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderRightColor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-right-color"]; } - (void)setBorderRightColor:(NSString *)borderRightColor { [self setProperty:@"border-right-color" value:borderRightColor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderBottomColor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-bottom-color"]; } - (void)setBorderBottomColor:(NSString *)borderBottomColor { [self setProperty:@"border-bottom-color" value:borderBottomColor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderLeftColor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-left-color"]; } - (void)setBorderLeftColor:(NSString *)borderLeftColor { [self setProperty:@"border-left-color" value:borderLeftColor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderTopStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-top-style"]; } - (void)setBorderTopStyle:(NSString *)borderTopStyle { [self setProperty:@"border-top-style" value:borderTopStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderRightStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-right-style"]; } - (void)setBorderRightStyle:(NSString *)borderRightStyle { [self setProperty:@"border-right-style" value:borderRightStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderBottomStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-bottom-style"]; } - (void)setBorderBottomStyle:(NSString *)borderBottomStyle { [self setProperty:@"border-bottom-style" value:borderBottomStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderLeftStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-left-style"]; } - (void)setBorderLeftStyle:(NSString *)borderLeftStyle { [self setProperty:@"border-left-style" value:borderLeftStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderTopWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-top-width"]; } - (void)setBorderTopWidth:(NSString *)borderTopWidth { [self setProperty:@"border-top-width" value:borderTopWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderRightWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-right-width"]; } - (void)setBorderRightWidth:(NSString *)borderRightWidth { [self setProperty:@"border-right-width" value:borderRightWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderBottomWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-bottom-width"]; } - (void)setBorderBottomWidth:(NSString *)borderBottomWidth { [self setProperty:@"border-bottom-width" value:borderBottomWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderLeftWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-left-width"]; } - (void)setBorderLeftWidth:(NSString *)borderLeftWidth { [self setProperty:@"border-left-width" value:borderLeftWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)borderWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"border-width"]; } - (void)setBorderWidth:(NSString *)borderWidth { [self setProperty:@"border-width" value:borderWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)bottom { return [self getPropertyValue:@"bottom"]; } - (void)setBottom:(NSString *)bottom { [self setProperty:@"bottom" value:bottom priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)captionSide { return [self getPropertyValue:@"caption-side"]; } - (void)setCaptionSide:(NSString *)captionSide { [self setProperty:@"caption-side" value:captionSide priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)clear { return [self getPropertyValue:@"clear"]; } - (void)setClear:(NSString *)clear { [self setProperty:@"clear" value:clear priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)clip { return [self getPropertyValue:@"clip"]; } - (void)setClip:(NSString *)clip { [self setProperty:@"clip" value:clip priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)color { return [self getPropertyValue:@"color"]; } - (void)setColor:(NSString *)color { [self setProperty:@"color" value:color priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)content { return [self getPropertyValue:@"content"]; } - (void)setContent:(NSString *)content { [self setProperty:@"content" value:content priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)counterIncrement { return [self getPropertyValue:@"counter-increment"]; } - (void)setCounterIncrement:(NSString *)counterIncrement { [self setProperty:@"counter-increment" value:counterIncrement priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)counterReset { return [self getPropertyValue:@"counter-reset"]; } - (void)setCounterReset:(NSString *)counterReset { [self setProperty:@"counter-reset" value:counterReset priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)cue { return [self getPropertyValue:@"cue"]; } - (void)setCue:(NSString *)cue { [self setProperty:@"cue" value:cue priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)cueAfter { return [self getPropertyValue:@"cue-after"]; } - (void)setCueAfter:(NSString *)cueAfter { [self setProperty:@"cue-after" value:cueAfter priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)cueBefore { return [self getPropertyValue:@"cue-before"]; } - (void)setCueBefore:(NSString *)cueBefore { [self setProperty:@"cue-before" value:cueBefore priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)cursor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"cursor"]; } - (void)setCursor:(NSString *)cursor { [self setProperty:@"cursor" value:cursor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)direction { return [self getPropertyValue:@"direction"]; } - (void)setDirection:(NSString *)direction { [self setProperty:@"direction" value:direction priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)display { return [self getPropertyValue:@"display"]; } - (void)setDisplay:(NSString *)display { [self setProperty:@"display" value:display priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)elevation { return [self getPropertyValue:@"elevation"]; } - (void)setElevation:(NSString *)elevation { [self setProperty:@"elevation" value:elevation priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)emptyCells { return [self getPropertyValue:@"empty-cells"]; } - (void)setEmptyCells:(NSString *)emptyCells { [self setProperty:@"empty-cells" value:emptyCells priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)cssFloat { return [self getPropertyValue:@"css-float"]; } - (void)setCssFloat:(NSString *)cssFloat { [self setProperty:@"css-float" value:cssFloat priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)font { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font"]; } - (void)setFont:(NSString *)font { [self setProperty:@"font" value:font priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)fontFamily { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font-family"]; } - (void)setFontFamily:(NSString *)fontFamily { [self setProperty:@"font-family" value:fontFamily priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)fontSize { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font-size"]; } - (void)setFontSize:(NSString *)fontSize { [self setProperty:@"font-size" value:fontSize priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)fontSizeAdjust { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font-size-adjust"]; } - (void)setFontSizeAdjust:(NSString *)fontSizeAdjust { [self setProperty:@"font-size-adjust" value:fontSizeAdjust priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)_fontSizeDelta { return [self getPropertyValue:@"-webkit-font-size-delta"]; } - (void)_setFontSizeDelta:(NSString *)fontSizeDelta { [self setProperty:@"-webkit-font-size-delta" value:fontSizeDelta priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)fontStretch { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font-stretch"]; } - (void)setFontStretch:(NSString *)fontStretch { [self setProperty:@"font-stretch" value:fontStretch priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)fontStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font-style"]; } - (void)setFontStyle:(NSString *)fontStyle { [self setProperty:@"font-style" value:fontStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)fontVariant { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font-variant"]; } - (void)setFontVariant:(NSString *)fontVariant { [self setProperty:@"font-variant" value:fontVariant priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)fontWeight { return [self getPropertyValue:@"font-weight"]; } - (void)setFontWeight:(NSString *)fontWeight { [self setProperty:@"font-weight" value:fontWeight priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)height { return [self getPropertyValue:@"height"]; } - (void)setHeight:(NSString *)height { [self setProperty:@"height" value:height priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)left { return [self getPropertyValue:@"left"]; } - (void)setLeft:(NSString *)left { [self setProperty:@"left" value:left priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)letterSpacing { return [self getPropertyValue:@"letter-spacing"]; } - (void)setLetterSpacing:(NSString *)letterSpacing { [self setProperty:@"letter-spacing" value:letterSpacing priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)lineHeight { return [self getPropertyValue:@"line-height"]; } - (void)setLineHeight:(NSString *)lineHeight { [self setProperty:@"line-height" value:lineHeight priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)listStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"list-style"]; } - (void)setListStyle:(NSString *)listStyle { [self setProperty:@"list-style" value:listStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)listStyleImage { return [self getPropertyValue:@"list-style-image"]; } - (void)setListStyleImage:(NSString *)listStyleImage { [self setProperty:@"list-style-image" value:listStyleImage priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)listStylePosition { return [self getPropertyValue:@"list-style-position"]; } - (void)setListStylePosition:(NSString *)listStylePosition { [self setProperty:@"list-style-position" value:listStylePosition priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)listStyleType { return [self getPropertyValue:@"list-style-type"]; } - (void)setListStyleType:(NSString *)listStyleType { [self setProperty:@"list-style-type" value:listStyleType priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)margin { return [self getPropertyValue:@"margin"]; } - (void)setMargin:(NSString *)margin { [self setProperty:@"margin" value:margin priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)marginTop { return [self getPropertyValue:@"margin-top"]; } - (void)setMarginTop:(NSString *)marginTop { [self setProperty:@"margin-top" value:marginTop priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)marginRight { return [self getPropertyValue:@"margin-right"]; } - (void)setMarginRight:(NSString *)marginRight { [self setProperty:@"margin-right" value:marginRight priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)marginBottom { return [self getPropertyValue:@"margin-bottom"]; } - (void)setMarginBottom:(NSString *)marginBottom { [self setProperty:@"margin-bottom" value:marginBottom priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)marginLeft { return [self getPropertyValue:@"margin-left"]; } - (void)setMarginLeft:(NSString *)marginLeft { [self setProperty:@"margin-left" value:marginLeft priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)markerOffset { return [self getPropertyValue:@"marker-offset"]; } - (void)setMarkerOffset:(NSString *)markerOffset { [self setProperty:@"marker-offset" value:markerOffset priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)marks { return [self getPropertyValue:@"marks"]; } - (void)setMarks:(NSString *)marks { [self setProperty:@"marks" value:marks priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)maxHeight { return [self getPropertyValue:@"max-height"]; } - (void)setMaxHeight:(NSString *)maxHeight { [self setProperty:@"max-height" value:maxHeight priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)maxWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"max-width"]; } - (void)setMaxWidth:(NSString *)maxWidth { [self setProperty:@"max-width" value:maxWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)minHeight { return [self getPropertyValue:@"min-height"]; } - (void)setMinHeight:(NSString *)minHeight { [self setProperty:@"min-height" value:minHeight priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)minWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"min-width"]; } - (void)setMinWidth:(NSString *)minWidth { [self setProperty:@"min-width" value:minWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)orphans { return [self getPropertyValue:@"orphans"]; } - (void)setOrphans:(NSString *)orphans { [self setProperty:@"orphans" value:orphans priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)outline { return [self getPropertyValue:@"outline"]; } - (void)setOutline:(NSString *)outline { [self setProperty:@"outline" value:outline priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)outlineColor { return [self getPropertyValue:@"outline-color"]; } - (void)setOutlineColor:(NSString *)outlineColor { [self setProperty:@"outline-color" value:outlineColor priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)outlineStyle { return [self getPropertyValue:@"outline-style"]; } - (void)setOutlineStyle:(NSString *)outlineStyle { [self setProperty:@"outline-style" value:outlineStyle priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)outlineWidth { return [self getPropertyValue:@"outline-width"]; } - (void)setOutlineWidth:(NSString *)outlineWidth { [self setProperty:@"outline-width" value:outlineWidth priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)overflow { return [self getPropertyValue:@"overflow"]; } - (void)setOverflow:(NSString *)overflow { [self setProperty:@"overflow" value:overflow priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)padding { return [self getPropertyValue:@"padding"]; } - (void)setPadding:(NSString *)padding { [self setProperty:@"padding" value:padding priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)paddingTop { return [self getPropertyValue:@"padding-top"]; } - (void)setPaddingTop:(NSString *)paddingTop { [self setProperty:@"padding-top" value:paddingTop priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)paddingRight { return [self getPropertyValue:@"padding-right"]; } - (void)setPaddingRight:(NSString *)paddingRight { [self setProperty:@"padding-right" value:paddingRight priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)paddingBottom { return [self getPropertyValue:@"padding-bottom"]; } - (void)setPaddingBottom:(NSString *)paddingBottom { [self setProperty:@"padding-bottom" value:paddingBottom priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)paddingLeft { return [self getPropertyValue:@"padding-left"]; } - (void)setPaddingLeft:(NSString *)paddingLeft { [self setProperty:@"padding-left" value:paddingLeft priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)page { return [self getPropertyValue:@"page"]; } - (void)setPage:(NSString *)page { [self setProperty:@"page" value:page priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pageBreakAfter { return [self getPropertyValue:@"page-break-after"]; } - (void)setPageBreakAfter:(NSString *)pageBreakAfter { [self setProperty:@"page-break-after" value:pageBreakAfter priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pageBreakBefore { return [self getPropertyValue:@"page-break-before"]; } - (void)setPageBreakBefore:(NSString *)pageBreakBefore { [self setProperty:@"page-break-before" value:pageBreakBefore priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pageBreakInside { return [self getPropertyValue:@"page-break-inside"]; } - (void)setPageBreakInside:(NSString *)pageBreakInside { [self setProperty:@"page-break-inside" value:pageBreakInside priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pause { return [self getPropertyValue:@"pause"]; } - (void)setPause:(NSString *)pause { [self setProperty:@"pause" value:pause priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pauseAfter { return [self getPropertyValue:@"pause-after"]; } - (void)setPauseAfter:(NSString *)pauseAfter { [self setProperty:@"pause-after" value:pauseAfter priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pauseBefore { return [self getPropertyValue:@"pause-before"]; } - (void)setPauseBefore:(NSString *)pauseBefore { [self setProperty:@"pause-before" value:pauseBefore priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pitch { return [self getPropertyValue:@"pitch"]; } - (void)setPitch:(NSString *)pitch { [self setProperty:@"pitch" value:pitch priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)pitchRange { return [self getPropertyValue:@"pitch-range"]; } - (void)setPitchRange:(NSString *)pitchRange { [self setProperty:@"pitch-range" value:pitchRange priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)playDuring { return [self getPropertyValue:@"play-during"]; } - (void)setPlayDuring:(NSString *)playDuring { [self setProperty:@"play-during" value:playDuring priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)position { return [self getPropertyValue:@"position"]; } - (void)setPosition:(NSString *)position { [self setProperty:@"position" value:position priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)quotes { return [self getPropertyValue:@"quotes"]; } - (void)setQuotes:(NSString *)quotes { [self setProperty:@"quotes" value:quotes priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)richness { return [self getPropertyValue:@"richness"]; } - (void)setRichness:(NSString *)richness { [self setProperty:@"richness" value:richness priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)right { return [self getPropertyValue:@"right"]; } - (void)setRight:(NSString *)right { [self setProperty:@"right" value:right priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)size { return [self getPropertyValue:@"size"]; } - (void)setSize:(NSString *)size { [self setProperty:@"size" value:size priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)speak { return [self getPropertyValue:@"speak"]; } - (void)setSpeak:(NSString *)speak { [self setProperty:@"speak" value:speak priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)speakHeader { return [self getPropertyValue:@"speak-header"]; } - (void)setSpeakHeader:(NSString *)speakHeader { [self setProperty:@"speak-header" value:speakHeader priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)speakNumeral { return [self getPropertyValue:@"speak-numeral"]; } - (void)setSpeakNumeral:(NSString *)speakNumeral { [self setProperty:@"speak-numeral" value:speakNumeral priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)speakPunctuation { return [self getPropertyValue:@"speak-punctuation"]; } - (void)setSpeakPunctuation:(NSString *)speakPunctuation { [self setProperty:@"speak-punctuation" value:speakPunctuation priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)speechRate { return [self getPropertyValue:@"speech-rate"]; } - (void)setSpeechRate:(NSString *)speechRate { [self setProperty:@"speech-rate" value:speechRate priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)stress { return [self getPropertyValue:@"stress"]; } - (void)setStress:(NSString *)stress { [self setProperty:@"stress" value:stress priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)tableLayout { return [self getPropertyValue:@"table-layout"]; } - (void)setTableLayout:(NSString *)tableLayout { [self setProperty:@"table-layout" value:tableLayout priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)textAlign { return [self getPropertyValue:@"text-align"]; } - (void)setTextAlign:(NSString *)textAlign { [self setProperty:@"text-align" value:textAlign priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)textDecoration { return [self getPropertyValue:@"text-decoration"]; } - (void)setTextDecoration:(NSString *)textDecoration { [self setProperty:@"text-decoration" value:textDecoration priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)textIndent { return [self getPropertyValue:@"text-indent"]; } - (void)setTextIndent:(NSString *)textIndent { [self setProperty:@"text-indent" value:textIndent priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)textShadow { return [self getPropertyValue:@"text-shadow"]; } - (void)setTextShadow:(NSString *)textShadow { [self setProperty:@"text-shadow" value:textShadow priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)textTransform { return [self getPropertyValue:@"text-transform"]; } - (void)setTextTransform:(NSString *)textTransform { [self setProperty:@"text-transform" value:textTransform priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)top { return [self getPropertyValue:@"top"]; } - (void)setTop:(NSString *)top { [self setProperty:@"top" value:top priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)unicodeBidi { return [self getPropertyValue:@"unicode-bidi"]; } - (void)setUnicodeBidi:(NSString *)unicodeBidi { [self setProperty:@"unicode-bidi" value:unicodeBidi priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)verticalAlign { return [self getPropertyValue:@"vertical-align"]; } - (void)setVerticalAlign:(NSString *)verticalAlign { [self setProperty:@"vertical-align" value:verticalAlign priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)visibility { return [self getPropertyValue:@"visibility"]; } - (void)setVisibility:(NSString *)visibility { [self setProperty:@"visibility" value:visibility priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)voiceFamily { return [self getPropertyValue:@"voice-family"]; } - (void)setVoiceFamily:(NSString *)voiceFamily { [self setProperty:@"voice-family" value:voiceFamily priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)volume { return [self getPropertyValue:@"volume"]; } - (void)setVolume:(NSString *)volume { [self setProperty:@"volume" value:volume priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)whiteSpace { return [self getPropertyValue:@"white-space"]; } - (void)setWhiteSpace:(NSString *)whiteSpace { [self setProperty:@"white-space" value:whiteSpace priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)widows { return [self getPropertyValue:@"widows"]; } - (void)setWidows:(NSString *)widows { [self setProperty:@"widows" value:widows priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)width { return [self getPropertyValue:@"width"]; } - (void)setWidth:(NSString *)width { [self setProperty:@"width" value:width priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)wordSpacing { return [self getPropertyValue:@"word-spacing"]; } - (void)setWordSpacing:(NSString *)wordSpacing { [self setProperty:@"word-spacing" value:wordSpacing priority:@""]; } - (NSString *)zIndex { return [self getPropertyValue:@"z-index"]; } - (void)setZIndex:(NSString *)zIndex { [self setProperty:@"z-index" value:zIndex priority:@""]; } @end