// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef WTF_HashMap_h #define WTF_HashMap_h #include "HashTable.h" namespace WTF { template struct PairFirstExtractor; template::Hash, typename KeyTraitsArg = HashTraits, typename MappedTraitsArg = HashTraits > class HashMap { private: typedef KeyTraitsArg KeyTraits; typedef MappedTraitsArg MappedTraits; typedef PairBaseHashTraits ValueTraits; public: typedef typename KeyTraits::TraitType KeyType; typedef typename MappedTraits::TraitType MappedType; typedef typename ValueTraits::TraitType ValueType; private: typedef HashArg HashFunctions; typedef typename HashKeyStorageTraits::Hash StorageHashFunctions; typedef typename HashKeyStorageTraits::Traits KeyStorageTraits; typedef typename MappedTraits::StorageTraits MappedStorageTraits; typedef PairHashTraits ValueStorageTraits; typedef typename KeyStorageTraits::TraitType KeyStorageType; typedef typename MappedStorageTraits::TraitType MappedStorageType; typedef typename ValueStorageTraits::TraitType ValueStorageType; typedef HashTable, StorageHashFunctions, ValueStorageTraits, KeyStorageTraits> HashTableType; public: typedef HashTableIteratorAdapter iterator; typedef HashTableConstIteratorAdapter const_iterator; HashMap(); HashMap(const HashMap&); HashMap& operator=(const HashMap&); ~HashMap(); void swap(HashMap&); int size() const; int capacity() const; bool isEmpty() const; // iterators iterate over pairs of keys and values iterator begin(); iterator end(); const_iterator begin() const; const_iterator end() const; iterator find(const KeyType&); const_iterator find(const KeyType&) const; bool contains(const KeyType&) const; MappedType get(const KeyType&) const; // replaces value but not key if key is already present // return value is a pair of the iterator to the key location, // and a boolean that's true if a new value was actually added pair set(const KeyType&, const MappedType&); // does nothing if key is already present // return value is a pair of the iterator to the key location, // and a boolean that's true if a new value was actually added pair add(const KeyType&, const MappedType&); void remove(const KeyType&); void remove(iterator it); void clear(); private: pair inlineAdd(const KeyType&, const MappedType&); void refAll(); void derefAll(); HashTableType m_impl; }; template struct PairFirstExtractor { static const typename PairType::first_type& extract(const PairType& p) { return p.first; } }; template struct HashMapTranslator; template struct HashMapTranslator { typedef typename ValueType::first_type KeyType; typedef typename ValueType::second_type MappedType; typedef typename ValueStorageTraits::TraitType ValueStorageType; typedef typename ValueStorageTraits::FirstTraits KeyStorageTraits; typedef typename KeyStorageTraits::TraitType KeyStorageType; typedef typename ValueStorageTraits::SecondTraits MappedStorageTraits; typedef typename MappedStorageTraits::TraitType MappedStorageType; typedef typename ValueTraits::FirstTraits KeyTraits; typedef typename ValueTraits::SecondTraits MappedTraits; static unsigned hash(const KeyType& key) { return HashFunctions::hash(key); } static bool equal(const KeyStorageType& a, const KeyType& b) { return HashFunctions::equal(*(KeyType*)&a, b); } static void translate(ValueStorageType& location, const KeyType& key, const MappedType& mapped, unsigned) { Assigner::assign(key, location.first); Assigner::assign(mapped, location.second); } }; template struct HashMapTranslator { typedef typename ValueType::first_type KeyType; typedef typename ValueType::second_type MappedType; typedef typename ValueStorageTraits::TraitType ValueStorageType; typedef typename ValueStorageTraits::FirstTraits KeyStorageTraits; typedef typename KeyStorageTraits::TraitType KeyStorageType; typedef typename ValueStorageTraits::SecondTraits MappedStorageTraits; typedef typename MappedStorageTraits::TraitType MappedStorageType; typedef typename ValueTraits::FirstTraits KeyTraits; typedef typename ValueTraits::SecondTraits MappedTraits; static unsigned hash(const KeyType& key) { return HashFunctions::hash(key); } static bool equal(const KeyStorageType& a, const KeyType& b) { return HashFunctions::equal(*(KeyType*)&a, b); } static void translate(ValueStorageType& location, const KeyType& key, const MappedType& mapped, unsigned) { if (location.first == KeyStorageTraits::deletedValue()) location.first = KeyStorageTraits::emptyValue(); Assigner::assign(key, location.first); Assigner::assign(mapped, location.second); } }; template inline void HashMap::refAll() { HashTableRefCounter::refAll(m_impl); } template inline void HashMap::derefAll() { HashTableRefCounter::derefAll(m_impl); } template inline HashMap::HashMap() { } template inline HashMap::HashMap(const HashMap& other) : m_impl(other.m_impl) { refAll(); } template inline HashMap& HashMap::operator=(const HashMap& other) { HashMap tmp(other); swap(tmp); return *this; } template inline void HashMap::swap(HashMap& other) { m_impl.swap(other.m_impl); } template inline HashMap::~HashMap() { derefAll(); } template inline int HashMap::size() const { return m_impl.size(); } template inline int HashMap::capacity() const { return m_impl.capacity(); } template inline bool HashMap::isEmpty() const { return m_impl.isEmpty(); } template inline typename HashMap::iterator HashMap::begin() { return m_impl.begin(); } template inline typename HashMap::iterator HashMap::end() { return m_impl.end(); } template inline typename HashMap::const_iterator HashMap::begin() const { return m_impl.begin(); } template inline typename HashMap::const_iterator HashMap::end() const { return m_impl.end(); } template inline typename HashMap::iterator HashMap::find(const KeyType& key) { return m_impl.find(*(const KeyStorageType*)&key); } template inline typename HashMap::const_iterator HashMap::find(const KeyType& key) const { return m_impl.find(*(const KeyStorageType*)&key); } template inline bool HashMap::contains(const KeyType& key) const { return m_impl.contains(*(const KeyStorageType*)&key); } template inline pair::iterator, bool> HashMap::inlineAdd(const KeyType& key, const MappedType& mapped) { const bool canReplaceDeletedKey = !KeyTraits::needsDestruction || KeyStorageTraits::needsDestruction; typedef HashMapTranslator TranslatorType; return m_impl.template add(key, mapped); } template pair::iterator, bool> HashMap::set(const KeyType& key, const MappedType& mapped) { pair result = inlineAdd(key, mapped); if (!result.second) // add call above didn't change anything, so set the mapped value result.first->second = mapped; return result; } template pair::iterator, bool> HashMap::add(const KeyType& key, const MappedType& mapped) { return inlineAdd(key, mapped); } template inline typename HashMap::MappedType HashMap::get(const KeyType& key) const { const_iterator it = find(key); if (it == end()) return MappedTraits::emptyValue(); return it->second; } template inline void HashMap::remove(iterator it) { if (it.m_impl == m_impl.end()) return; RefCounter::deref(*it.m_impl); m_impl.remove(it.m_impl); } template inline void HashMap::remove(const KeyType& key) { remove(find(key)); } template inline void HashMap::clear() { derefAll(); m_impl.clear(); } template bool operator==(const HashMap& a, const HashMap& b) { if (a.size() != b.size()) return false; typedef typename HashMap::const_iterator const_iterator; const_iterator end = a.end(); const_iterator notFound = b.end(); for (const_iterator it = a.begin(); it != end; ++it) { const_iterator bPos = b.find(it->first); if (bPos == notFound || it->second != bPos->second) return false; } return true; } template inline bool operator!=(const HashMap& a, const HashMap& b) { return !(a == b); } template void deleteAllPairSeconds(HashTableType& collection) { typedef typename HashTableType::const_iterator iterator; iterator end = collection.end(); for (iterator it = collection.begin(); it != end; ++it) delete *(MappedType*)&it->second; } template inline void deleteAllValues(const HashMap& collection) { deleteAllPairSeconds::MappedType>(collection); } template void deleteAllPairFirsts(HashTableType& collection) { typedef typename HashTableType::const_iterator iterator; iterator end = collection.end(); for (iterator it = collection.begin(); it != end; ++it) delete *(KeyType*)&it->first; } template inline void deleteAllKeys(const HashMap& collection) { deleteAllPairFirsts::KeyType>(collection); } } // namespace WTF using WTF::HashMap; #endif /* WTF_HashMap_h */