// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*- /* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel (eric@webkit.org) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "object.h" #include "error_object.h" #include "lookup.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "operations.h" #include "PropertyNameArray.h" #include // maximum global call stack size. Protects against accidental or // malicious infinite recursions. Define to -1 if you want no limit. #if PLATFORM(DARWIN) || PLATFORM(WIN_OS) // Given OS X stack sizes we run out of stack at about 350 levels. // If we improve our stack usage, we can bump this number. #define KJS_MAX_STACK 100 #else #define KJS_MAX_STACK 1000 #endif #define JAVASCRIPT_CALL_TRACING 0 #define JAVASCRIPT_MARK_TRACING 0 #if JAVASCRIPT_CALL_TRACING static bool _traceJavaScript = false; extern "C" { void setTraceJavaScript(bool f) { _traceJavaScript = f; } static bool traceJavaScript() { return _traceJavaScript; } } #endif namespace KJS { // ------------------------------ Object --------------------------------------- JSValue *JSObject::call(ExecState *exec, JSObject *thisObj, const List &args) { assert(implementsCall()); #if KJS_MAX_STACK > 0 static int depth = 0; // sum of all concurrent interpreters #if JAVASCRIPT_CALL_TRACING static bool tracing = false; if (traceJavaScript() && !tracing) { tracing = true; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) putchar (' '); printf ("*** calling: %s\n", toString(exec).ascii()); for (int j = 0; j < args.size(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) putchar (' '); printf ("*** arg[%d] = %s\n", j, args[j]->toString(exec).ascii()); } tracing = false; } #endif if (++depth > KJS_MAX_STACK) { --depth; return throwError(exec, RangeError, "Maximum call stack size exceeded."); } #endif JSValue *ret = callAsFunction(exec,thisObj,args); #if KJS_MAX_STACK > 0 --depth; #endif #if JAVASCRIPT_CALL_TRACING if (traceJavaScript() && !tracing) { tracing = true; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) putchar (' '); printf ("*** returning: %s\n", ret->toString(exec).ascii()); tracing = false; } #endif return ret; } // ------------------------------ JSObject ------------------------------------ void JSObject::mark() { JSCell::mark(); #if JAVASCRIPT_MARK_TRACING static int markStackDepth = 0; markStackDepth++; for (int i = 0; i < markStackDepth; i++) putchar('-'); printf("%s (%p)\n", className().UTF8String().c_str(), this); #endif JSValue *proto = _proto; if (!proto->marked()) proto->mark(); _prop.mark(); #if JAVASCRIPT_MARK_TRACING markStackDepth--; #endif } JSType JSObject::type() const { return ObjectType; } const ClassInfo *JSObject::classInfo() const { return 0; } UString JSObject::className() const { const ClassInfo *ci = classInfo(); if ( ci ) return ci->className; return "Object"; } JSValue *JSObject::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const { PropertySlot slot; if (const_cast(this)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot)) return slot.getValue(exec, const_cast(this), propertyName); return jsUndefined(); } JSValue *JSObject::get(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName) const { PropertySlot slot; if (const_cast(this)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot)) return slot.getValue(exec, const_cast(this), propertyName); return jsUndefined(); } bool JSObject::getPropertySlot(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { JSObject *imp = this; while (true) { if (imp->getOwnPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot)) return true; JSValue *proto = imp->_proto; if (!proto->isObject()) break; imp = static_cast(proto); } return false; } bool JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { return getOwnPropertySlot(exec, Identifier::from(propertyName), slot); } static void throwSetterError(ExecState *exec) { throwError(exec, TypeError, "setting a property that has only a getter"); } // ECMA void JSObject::put(ExecState* exec, const Identifier &propertyName, JSValue *value, int attr) { assert(value); // non-standard netscape extension if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().underscoreProto) { JSObject* proto = value->getObject(); while (proto) { if (proto == this) throwError(exec, GeneralError, "cyclic __proto__ value"); proto = proto->prototype() ? proto->prototype()->getObject() : 0; } setPrototype(value); return; } /* TODO: check for write permissions directly w/o this call */ /* Doesn't look very easy with the PropertyMap API - David */ // putValue() is used for JS assignemnts. It passes no attribute. // Assume that a C++ implementation knows what it is doing // and let it override the canPut() check. if ((attr == None || attr == DontDelete) && !canPut(exec,propertyName)) { #ifdef KJS_VERBOSE fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: canPut %s said NO\n", propertyName.ascii() ); #endif return; } // Check if there are any setters or getters in the prototype chain JSObject *obj = this; bool hasGettersOrSetters = false; while (true) { if (obj->_prop.hasGetterSetterProperties()) { hasGettersOrSetters = true; break; } if (!obj->_proto->isObject()) break; obj = static_cast(obj->_proto); } if (hasGettersOrSetters) { obj = this; while (true) { unsigned attributes; if (JSValue *gs = obj->_prop.get(propertyName, attributes)) { if (attributes & GetterSetter) { JSObject *setterFunc = static_cast(gs)->getSetter(); if (!setterFunc) { throwSetterError(exec); return; } List args; args.append(value); setterFunc->call(exec, this, args); return; } else { // If there's an existing property on the object or one of its // prototype it should be replaced, so we just break here. break; } } if (!obj->_proto->isObject()) break; obj = static_cast(obj->_proto); } } _prop.put(propertyName,value,attr); } void JSObject::put(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName, JSValue *value, int attr) { put(exec, Identifier::from(propertyName), value, attr); } // ECMA bool JSObject::canPut(ExecState *, const Identifier &propertyName) const { unsigned attributes; // Don't look in the prototype here. We can always put an override // in the object, even if the prototype has a ReadOnly property. if (!getPropertyAttributes(propertyName, attributes)) return true; else return !(attributes & ReadOnly); } // ECMA bool JSObject::hasProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const { PropertySlot slot; return const_cast(this)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot); } bool JSObject::hasProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName) const { PropertySlot slot; return const_cast(this)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot); } // ECMA bool JSObject::deleteProperty(ExecState* /*exec*/, const Identifier &propertyName) { unsigned attributes; JSValue *v = _prop.get(propertyName, attributes); if (v) { if ((attributes & DontDelete)) return false; _prop.remove(propertyName); if (attributes & GetterSetter) _prop.setHasGetterSetterProperties(_prop.containsGettersOrSetters()); return true; } // Look in the static hashtable of properties const HashEntry* entry = findPropertyHashEntry(propertyName); if (entry && entry->attr & DontDelete) return false; // this builtin property can't be deleted return true; } bool JSObject::deleteProperty(ExecState *exec, unsigned propertyName) { return deleteProperty(exec, Identifier::from(propertyName)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE JSValue *tryGetAndCallProperty(ExecState *exec, const JSObject *object, const Identifier &propertyName) { JSValue *v = object->get(exec, propertyName); if (v->isObject()) { JSObject *o = static_cast(v); if (o->implementsCall()) { // spec says "not primitive type" but ... JSObject *thisObj = const_cast(object); JSValue *def = o->call(exec, thisObj, List::empty()); JSType defType = def->type(); ASSERT(defType != GetterSetterType); if (defType != ObjectType) return def; } } return NULL; } // ECMA JSValue* JSObject::defaultValue(ExecState* exec, JSType hint) const { Identifier firstPropertyName; Identifier secondPropertyName; /* Prefer String for Date objects */ if ((hint == StringType) || (hint != StringType) && (hint != NumberType) && (_proto == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinDatePrototype())) { firstPropertyName = exec->propertyNames().toString; secondPropertyName = exec->propertyNames().valueOf; } else { firstPropertyName = exec->propertyNames().valueOf; secondPropertyName = exec->propertyNames().toString; } JSValue *v; if ((v = tryGetAndCallProperty(exec, this, firstPropertyName))) return v; if ((v = tryGetAndCallProperty(exec, this, secondPropertyName))) return v; if (exec->hadException()) return exec->exception(); return throwError(exec, TypeError, "No default value"); } const HashEntry* JSObject::findPropertyHashEntry(const Identifier& propertyName) const { for (const ClassInfo *info = classInfo(); info; info = info->parentClass) { if (const HashTable *propHashTable = info->propHashTable) { if (const HashEntry *e = Lookup::findEntry(propHashTable, propertyName)) return e; } } return 0; } void JSObject::defineGetter(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSObject* getterFunc) { JSValue *o = getDirect(propertyName); GetterSetterImp *gs; if (o && o->type() == GetterSetterType) { gs = static_cast(o); } else { gs = new GetterSetterImp; putDirect(propertyName, gs, GetterSetter); } _prop.setHasGetterSetterProperties(true); gs->setGetter(getterFunc); } void JSObject::defineSetter(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSObject* setterFunc) { JSValue *o = getDirect(propertyName); GetterSetterImp *gs; if (o && o->type() == GetterSetterType) { gs = static_cast(o); } else { gs = new GetterSetterImp; putDirect(propertyName, gs, GetterSetter); } _prop.setHasGetterSetterProperties(true); gs->setSetter(setterFunc); } bool JSObject::implementsConstruct() const { return false; } JSObject* JSObject::construct(ExecState*, const List& /*args*/) { assert(false); return NULL; } JSObject* JSObject::construct(ExecState* exec, const List& args, const Identifier& /*functionName*/, const UString& /*sourceURL*/, int /*lineNumber*/) { return construct(exec, args); } bool JSObject::implementsCall() const { return false; } JSValue *JSObject::callAsFunction(ExecState* /*exec*/, JSObject* /*thisObj*/, const List &/*args*/) { assert(false); return NULL; } bool JSObject::implementsHasInstance() const { return false; } bool JSObject::hasInstance(ExecState* exec, JSValue* value) { JSValue* proto = get(exec, exec->propertyNames().prototype); if (!proto->isObject()) { throwError(exec, TypeError, "intanceof called on an object with an invalid prototype property."); return false; } if (!value->isObject()) return false; JSObject* o = static_cast(value); while ((o = o->prototype()->getObject())) { if (o == proto) return true; } return false; } bool JSObject::propertyIsEnumerable(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName) const { unsigned attributes; if (!getPropertyAttributes(propertyName, attributes)) return false; else return !(attributes & DontEnum); } bool JSObject::getPropertyAttributes(const Identifier& propertyName, unsigned& attributes) const { if (_prop.get(propertyName, attributes)) return true; // Look in the static hashtable of properties const HashEntry* e = findPropertyHashEntry(propertyName); if (e) { attributes = e->attr; return true; } return false; } void JSObject::getPropertyNames(ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames) { _prop.getEnumerablePropertyNames(propertyNames); // Add properties from the static hashtable of properties const ClassInfo *info = classInfo(); while (info) { if (info->propHashTable) { int size = info->propHashTable->size; const HashEntry *e = info->propHashTable->entries; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++e) { if (e->s && !(e->attr & DontEnum)) propertyNames.add(e->s); } } info = info->parentClass; } if (_proto->isObject()) static_cast(_proto)->getPropertyNames(exec, propertyNames); } bool JSObject::toBoolean(ExecState*) const { return true; } double JSObject::toNumber(ExecState *exec) const { JSValue *prim = toPrimitive(exec,NumberType); if (exec->hadException()) // should be picked up soon in nodes.cpp return 0.0; return prim->toNumber(exec); } UString JSObject::toString(ExecState *exec) const { JSValue *prim = toPrimitive(exec,StringType); if (exec->hadException()) // should be picked up soon in nodes.cpp return ""; return prim->toString(exec); } JSObject *JSObject::toObject(ExecState*) const { return const_cast(this); } void JSObject::putDirect(const Identifier &propertyName, JSValue *value, int attr) { _prop.put(propertyName, value, attr); } void JSObject::putDirect(const Identifier &propertyName, int value, int attr) { _prop.put(propertyName, jsNumber(value), attr); } void JSObject::putDirectFunction(InternalFunctionImp* func, int attr) { putDirect(func->functionName(), func, attr); } void JSObject::fillGetterPropertySlot(PropertySlot& slot, JSValue **location) { GetterSetterImp *gs = static_cast(*location); JSObject *getterFunc = gs->getGetter(); if (getterFunc) slot.setGetterSlot(this, getterFunc); else slot.setUndefined(this); } // ------------------------------ Error ---------------------------------------- const char * const errorNamesArr[] = { I18N_NOOP("Error"), // GeneralError I18N_NOOP("Evaluation error"), // EvalError I18N_NOOP("Range error"), // RangeError I18N_NOOP("Reference error"), // ReferenceError I18N_NOOP("Syntax error"), // SyntaxError I18N_NOOP("Type error"), // TypeError I18N_NOOP("URI error"), // URIError }; const char * const * const Error::errorNames = errorNamesArr; JSObject *Error::create(ExecState *exec, ErrorType errtype, const UString &message, int lineno, int sourceId, const UString &sourceURL) { JSObject *cons; switch (errtype) { case EvalError: cons = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinEvalError(); break; case RangeError: cons = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinRangeError(); break; case ReferenceError: cons = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinReferenceError(); break; case SyntaxError: cons = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinSyntaxError(); break; case TypeError: cons = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinTypeError(); break; case URIError: cons = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinURIError(); break; default: cons = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinError(); break; } List args; if (message.isEmpty()) args.append(jsString(errorNames[errtype])); else args.append(jsString(message)); JSObject *err = static_cast(cons->construct(exec,args)); if (lineno != -1) err->put(exec, "line", jsNumber(lineno)); if (sourceId != -1) err->put(exec, "sourceId", jsNumber(sourceId)); if(!sourceURL.isNull()) err->put(exec, "sourceURL", jsString(sourceURL)); return err; /* #ifndef NDEBUG const char *msg = err->get(messagePropertyName)->toString().value().ascii(); if (l >= 0) fprintf(stderr, "KJS: %s at line %d. %s\n", estr, l, msg); else fprintf(stderr, "KJS: %s. %s\n", estr, msg); #endif return err; */ } JSObject *Error::create(ExecState *exec, ErrorType type, const char *message) { return create(exec, type, message, -1, -1, NULL); } JSObject *throwError(ExecState *exec, ErrorType type) { JSObject *error = Error::create(exec, type, UString(), -1, -1, NULL); exec->setException(error); return error; } JSObject *throwError(ExecState *exec, ErrorType type, const UString &message) { JSObject *error = Error::create(exec, type, message, -1, -1, NULL); exec->setException(error); return error; } JSObject *throwError(ExecState *exec, ErrorType type, const char *message) { JSObject *error = Error::create(exec, type, message, -1, -1, NULL); exec->setException(error); return error; } JSObject *throwError(ExecState *exec, ErrorType type, const UString &message, int line, int sourceId, const UString &sourceURL) { JSObject *error = Error::create(exec, type, message, line, sourceId, sourceURL); exec->setException(error); return error; } } // namespace KJS