/* * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "jni_class.h" #include "jni_instance.h" #include "jni_runtime.h" #include "jni_utility.h" #include "runtime_object.h" #include "runtime_root.h" #ifdef NDEBUG #define JS_LOG(formatAndArgs...) ((void)0) #else #define JS_LOG(formatAndArgs...) { \ fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d -- %s: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \ fprintf(stderr, formatAndArgs); \ } #endif using namespace KJS::Bindings; using namespace KJS; JavaInstance::JavaInstance (jobject instance, PassRefPtr rootObject) : Instance(rootObject) { _instance = new JObjectWrapper (instance); _class = 0; } JavaInstance::~JavaInstance () { delete _class; } #define NUM_LOCAL_REFS 64 void JavaInstance::begin() { getJNIEnv()->PushLocalFrame (NUM_LOCAL_REFS); } void JavaInstance::end() { getJNIEnv()->PopLocalFrame (NULL); } Class *JavaInstance::getClass() const { if (_class == 0) _class = new JavaClass (_instance->_instance); return _class; } JSValue *JavaInstance::stringValue() const { JSLock lock; jstring stringValue = (jstring)callJNIObjectMethod (_instance->_instance, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv(); const jchar *c = getUCharactersFromJStringInEnv(env, stringValue); UString u((const UChar *)c, (int)env->GetStringLength(stringValue)); releaseUCharactersForJStringInEnv(env, stringValue, c); return jsString(u); } JSValue *JavaInstance::numberValue() const { jdouble doubleValue = callJNIDoubleMethod (_instance->_instance, "doubleValue", "()D"); return jsNumber(doubleValue); } JSValue *JavaInstance::booleanValue() const { jboolean booleanValue = callJNIBooleanMethod (_instance->_instance, "booleanValue", "()Z"); return jsBoolean(booleanValue); } JSValue *JavaInstance::invokeMethod (ExecState *exec, const MethodList &methodList, const List &args) { int i, count = args.size(); jvalue *jArgs; JSValue *resultValue; Method *method = 0; size_t numMethods = methodList.size(); // Try to find a good match for the overloaded method. The // fundamental problem is that JavaScript doesn have the // notion of method overloading and Java does. We could // get a bit more sophisticated and attempt to does some // type checking as we as checking the number of parameters. Method *aMethod; for (size_t methodIndex = 0; methodIndex < numMethods; methodIndex++) { aMethod = methodList[methodIndex]; if (aMethod->numParameters() == count) { method = aMethod; break; } } if (method == 0) { JS_LOG ("unable to find an appropiate method\n"); return jsUndefined(); } const JavaMethod *jMethod = static_cast(method); JS_LOG ("call %s %s on %p\n", method->name(), jMethod->signature(), _instance->_instance); if (count > 0) { jArgs = (jvalue *)malloc (count * sizeof(jvalue)); } else jArgs = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { JavaParameter* aParameter = jMethod->parameterAt(i); jArgs[i] = convertValueToJValue (exec, args.at(i), aParameter->getJNIType(), aParameter->type()); JS_LOG("arg[%d] = %s\n", i, args.at(i)->toString(exec).ascii()); } jvalue result; // Try to use the JNI abstraction first, otherwise fall back to // nornmal JNI. The JNI dispatch abstraction allows the Java plugin // to dispatch the call on the appropriate internal VM thread. RootObject* rootObject = this->rootObject(); if (!rootObject) return jsUndefined(); bool handled = false; if (rootObject->nativeHandle()) { jobject obj = _instance->_instance; JSValue *exceptionDescription = NULL; const char *callingURL = 0; // FIXME, need to propagate calling URL to Java handled = dispatchJNICall(rootObject->nativeHandle(), obj, jMethod->isStatic(), jMethod->JNIReturnType(), jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs, result, callingURL, exceptionDescription); if (exceptionDescription) { throwError(exec, GeneralError, exceptionDescription->toString(exec)); free (jArgs); return jsUndefined(); } } // The following code can be conditionally removed once we have a Tiger update that // contains the new Java plugin. It is needed for builds prior to Tiger. if (!handled) { jobject obj = _instance->_instance; switch (jMethod->JNIReturnType()){ case void_type: { callJNIVoidMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case object_type: { result.l = callJNIObjectMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case boolean_type: { result.z = callJNIBooleanMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case byte_type: { result.b = callJNIByteMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case char_type: { result.c = callJNICharMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case short_type: { result.s = callJNIShortMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case int_type: { result.i = callJNIIntMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case long_type: { result.j = callJNILongMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case float_type: { result.f = callJNIFloatMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case double_type: { result.d = callJNIDoubleMethodIDA (obj, jMethod->methodID(obj), jArgs); } break; case invalid_type: default: { } break; } } switch (jMethod->JNIReturnType()){ case void_type: { resultValue = jsUndefined(); } break; case object_type: { if (result.l != 0) { const char *arrayType = jMethod->returnType(); if (arrayType[0] == '[') { resultValue = JavaArray::convertJObjectToArray(exec, result.l, arrayType, rootObject); } else { resultValue = Instance::createRuntimeObject(Instance::JavaLanguage, result.l, rootObject); } } else { resultValue = jsUndefined(); } } break; case boolean_type: { resultValue = jsBoolean(result.z); } break; case byte_type: { resultValue = jsNumber(result.b); } break; case char_type: { resultValue = jsNumber(result.c); } break; case short_type: { resultValue = jsNumber(result.s); } break; case int_type: { resultValue = jsNumber(result.i); } break; case long_type: { resultValue = jsNumber(result.j); } break; case float_type: { resultValue = jsNumber(result.f); } break; case double_type: { resultValue = jsNumber(result.d); } break; case invalid_type: default: { resultValue = jsUndefined(); } break; } free (jArgs); return resultValue; } JSValue *JavaInstance::defaultValue (JSType hint) const { if (hint == StringType) { return stringValue(); } else if (hint == NumberType) { return numberValue(); } else if (hint == BooleanType) { return booleanValue(); } else if (hint == UnspecifiedType) { JavaClass *aClass = static_cast(getClass()); if (aClass->isStringClass()) { return stringValue(); } else if (aClass->isNumberClass()) { return numberValue(); } else if (aClass->isBooleanClass()) { return booleanValue(); } } return valueOf(); } JSValue *JavaInstance::valueOf() const { return stringValue(); } JObjectWrapper::JObjectWrapper(jobject instance) : _refCount(0) { assert (instance != 0); // Cache the JNIEnv used to get the global ref for this java instanace. // It'll be used to delete the reference. _env = getJNIEnv(); _instance = _env->NewGlobalRef (instance); JS_LOG ("new global ref %p for %p\n", _instance, instance); if (_instance == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not get GlobalRef for %p\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, instance); } } JObjectWrapper::~JObjectWrapper() { JS_LOG ("deleting global ref %p\n", _instance); _env->DeleteGlobalRef (_instance); }