#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Simplified build script for Web Kit Open Source Project. use strict; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use FindBin; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); use lib $FindBin::Bin; use webkitdirs; use POSIX; my $originalWorkingDirectory = getcwd(); my $svgSupport = 1; my $svgExperimentalSupport = 0; my $svgAnimationSupport = $svgExperimentalSupport; my $svgFiltersSupport = $svgExperimentalSupport; my $svgUseSupport = 1; my $svgFontsSupport = $svgExperimentalSupport; my $svgAsImageSupport = 1; my $xpathSupport = 1; my $xsltSupport = 1; my $coverageSupport = 0; my $videoSupport = isOSX(); # Enable by default on OSX my $showHelp = 0; my $clean = 0; my $programName = basename($0); my $usage = < \$svgSupport, 'svg-experimental!' => \$svgExperimentalSupport, 'svg-animation!' => \$svgAnimationSupport, 'svg-filters!' => \$svgFiltersSupport, 'svg-fonts!' => \$svgFontsSupport, 'svg-as-image!' => \$svgAsImageSupport, 'svg-use!' => \$svgUseSupport, 'xpath!' => \$xpathSupport, 'xslt!' => \$xsltSupport, 'video!' => \$videoSupport, 'coverage!' => \$coverageSupport, 'help' => \$showHelp, 'clean' => \$clean); if ($showHelp) { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } $svgExperimentalSupport = 0 unless $svgSupport; $svgAnimationSupport = 0 unless $svgSupport; $svgFiltersSupport = 0 unless $svgSupport; $svgFontsSupport = 0 unless $svgSupport; $svgAsImageSupport = 0 unless $svgSupport; $svgUseSupport = 0 unless $svgSupport; if ($svgExperimentalSupport) { $svgAnimationSupport = 1; $svgFiltersSupport = 1; $svgFontsSupport = 1; $svgAsImageSupport = 1; $svgUseSupport = 1; } checkRequiredSystemConfig(); setConfiguration(); chdirWebKit(); # FIXME: Migrate build-wxwebkit commands into build-webkit. if (isWx()) { my @opts = (); $ENV{"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR"} = productDir(); foreach (@ARGV) { if ($_ eq "wxgc" || $_ eq "wxpython") { push(@opts, $_); } } if ($clean) { push(@opts, "clean"); } system "WebKitTools/wx/build-wxwebkit @opts"; exit exitStatus($?); } my $productDir = productDir(); my @options = XcodeOptions(); my @overrideFeatureDefinesOption = (); if ($clean) { push(@options, "-alltargets"); push(@options, "clean"); } push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_DATABASE"; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_ICONDATABASE"; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_SVG" if $svgSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_SVG_ANIMATION" if $svgAnimationSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_SVG_FILTERS" if $svgFiltersSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_SVG_FONTS" if $svgFontsSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_SVG_AS_IMAGE" if $svgAsImageSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_SVG_USE" if $svgUseSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_XPATH" if $xpathSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_XSLT" if $xsltSupport; push @overrideFeatureDefinesOption, "ENABLE_VIDEO" if $videoSupport; my $overrideFeatureDefinesString = "FEATURE_DEFINES=" . join(" ", @overrideFeatureDefinesOption); my @coverageSupportOption = (); if ($coverageSupport) { push @coverageSupportOption, "GCC_GENERATE_TEST_COVERAGE_FILES=YES"; push @coverageSupportOption, "GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=YES"; push @coverageSupportOption, "EXTRA_LINK= -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs"; push @coverageSupportOption, "OTHER_CFLAGS= -MD"; push @coverageSupportOption, "OTHER_LDFLAGS=\$(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs -framework AppKit"; } # Check that all the project directories are there. my @projects = ("JavaScriptCore", "JavaScriptGlue", "WebCore", "WebKit"); my @otherDirs = ("WebKitLibraries"); for my $dir (@projects, @otherDirs) { if (! -d $dir) { die "Error: No $dir directory found. Please do a fresh checkout.\n"; } } if (isOSX()) { # Copy library and header from WebKitLibraries to a findable place in the product directory. my $srcLib = "WebKitLibraries/libWebKitSystemInterfaceTiger.a"; my $lib = "$productDir/libWebKitSystemInterfaceTiger.a"; if (!-e $lib || -M $lib > -M $srcLib) { print "Updating $lib\n"; system "ditto", $srcLib, $lib; system "ranlib", $lib; } $srcLib = "WebKitLibraries/libWebKitSystemInterfaceLeopard.a"; $lib = "$productDir/libWebKitSystemInterfaceLeopard.a"; if (!-e $lib || -M $lib > -M $srcLib) { print "Updating $lib\n"; system "ditto", $srcLib, $lib; system "ranlib", $lib; } my $srcHeader = "WebKitLibraries/WebKitSystemInterface.h"; my $header = "$productDir/usr/local/include/WebKitSystemInterface.h"; if (!-e $header || -M $header > -M $srcHeader) { print "Updating $header\n"; system "mkdir", "-p", "$productDir/usr/local/include"; system "ditto", $srcHeader, $header; } } if (isGtk() && isDarwin() && !$ENV{QMAKESPEC}) { # The qmake from Trolltech's binary "QT for Mac" distribution tries to # create xcode projects, not Makefiles $ENV{QMAKESPEC} = "macx-g++"; } if (isCygwin()) { # Copy WebKitSupportLibrary to the correct location in WebKitLibraries so it can be found. # Will fail if WebKitSupportLibrary.zip is not in source root. (system("perl WebKitTools/Scripts/update-webkit-support-libs") == 0) or die; } # Force re-link of existing libraries if different than expected removeLibraryDependingOnSVG("WebCore", $svgSupport); # Build, and abort if the build fails. for my $dir (@projects) { chdir $dir or die; my $result = 0; if (isGtk()) { if ($dir ne "WebKit") { chdir ".." or die; next; } $result = buildQMakeGtkProject($dir, $clean); } elsif (isQt()) { if ($dir ne "WebKit") { chdir ".." or die; next; } $result = buildQMakeQtProject($dir, $clean); } elsif (isOSX()) { $result = system "xcodebuild", "-project", "$dir.xcodeproj", @options, $overrideFeatureDefinesString, @coverageSupportOption, @ARGV; } elsif (isCygwin()) { if ($dir eq "WebKit") { $result = buildVisualStudioProject("win/WebKit.vcproj/WebKit.sln", $clean); } } if (exitStatus($result)) { if (isCygwin()) { print "\n\n===== BUILD FAILED ======\n\n"; my $scriptDir = relativeScriptsDir(); print "Please ensure you have run $scriptDir/update-webkit to install depenedencies.\n\n"; my $baseProductDir = baseProductDir(); print "You can view build errors by checking the BuildLog.htm files located at:\n$baseProductDir/obj//.\n"; } exit exitStatus($result); } chdir ".." or die; } # Don't report the "WebKit is now built" message after a clean operation. exit if $clean; # Write out congratulations message. my $launcherPath = launcherPath(); my $launcherName = launcherName(); print "\n"; print "===========================================================\n"; print " WebKit is now built. To run $launcherName with this newly-built\n"; print " code, use the \"$launcherPath\" script.\n"; if ($svgSupport) { print "\n NOTE: WebKit has been built with SVG support enabled.\n"; print " $launcherName will have SVG viewing capabilities.\n"; } if ($svgAnimationSupport or $svgFiltersSupport or $svgFontsSupport or $svgAsImageSupport or $svgUseSupport) { print "\n NOTE: WebKit has been built with experimental SVG features enabled.\n"; print " Your build supports: \n"; print " * Basic SVG animation.\n" if $svgAnimationSupport; print " * SVG filters.\n" if $svgFiltersSupport; print " * SVG fonts.\n" if $svgFontsSupport; print " * SVG as image.\n" if $svgAsImageSupport; print " * SVG support.\n" if $svgUseSupport; } print "===========================================================\n";