Unordered TODOs --------------- * Documentation on * More Xinerema configuration: - Use Xinerama at all ? - Which screen(s) to use ? - libxinerama or libxinerama_pic ? * Co-op with screensavers #145417. * There's a bug in libtool that updates libtool when configure is run. This stuffs the Mandrake maintainer. Gotta update libtool when a new version is out. PMH: AM_MAINTAINER_MODE ? * xosd window does not stay on top if the window manager is restarted * report that xmms plugin displays volumne instead of title on song change. PMH: xmms_get_volume() returns -1 during song changes, which gets interpreted as a volume change. * Only update lines which were changed: Add a flag to each line * Optimize line drawing to now always use full screen width. * Rewrite libxosd, so that one X11-thread can handle multiple displays. The Beep Media Plugin shares significant amounts of code with the xmms plugin (not surprisingly seeing that BMP is based on XMMS:). It'd be nice to merge the two codebases so that we don't need to apply patches to both. * Handle different locales better: * Change License of libxosd to LGPL * Set non-transparent background color * Add alpha-blending * Scroll test horizontally * Rewrite API: Replace xosd_set_*() calls with "union { struct colour, struct font, ... } []"