/* * configfile.h * This file is part of LCDd, the lcdproc server. * * This file is released under the GNU General Public License. Refer to the * COPYING file distributed with this package. * * Copyright (c) 2001, Joris Robijn * * * Defines routines to read ini-file-like files. * */ #ifndef CONFIGFILE_H #define CONFIGFILE_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif int config_read_file( char *filename ); /* Opens the specified file and reads everything into memory. * Returns -1 on parsing errors. * Returns -2 if the file could not be opened or a read error occured. * Returns -16 if a malloc went wrong. */ int config_read_string( char *sectionname, char *str ); /* Reads everything in the string into memory. * Returns -1 on parsing errors. * Returns -16 if a malloc went wrong. */ short config_get_bool( char *sectionname, char *keyname, int skip, short default_value ); /* Tries to interpret a value in the config file as a boolean. * 0, false, no, n = false * 1, true, yes, y = true * If the key is not found or cannot be interpreted, the given default value is * returned. * The skip value can be used to iterate over multiple values with the same * key. Should be 0 to get the first one, 1 for the second etc. and -1 for the * last. */ long int config_get_int( char *sectionname, char *keyname, int skip, long int default_value ); /* Tries to interpret a value in the config file as an integer.*/ double config_get_float( char *sectionname, char *keyname, int skip, double default_value ); /* Tries to interpret a value in the config file as a float.*/ char *config_get_string( char * sectionname, char * keyname, int skip, char * default_value ); /* Returns a pointer to the string associated with the specified key. * The string should never be modified, and used only short-term. You can * for example scan it or copy it. In successive calls this function can * re-use the data space ! * * found in a mail from Joris: * * The strings it returns are always terminated. * * You can do some things with them: * 1. Scan them: * s = config_get_string(...); * sscanf( s, "%dx%d", &w, &h ); // scan format like: 20x4 * ...and check the w and h values... * 2. Copy it to a preallocated buffer like device[256]: * s = config_get_string(...); * strncpy( device, s, sizeof(device)); * device[sizeof(device)-1] = 0; * 3. Copy it to a newly allocated space in char *device: * s = config_get_string(...); * device = malloc(strlen(s)+1); * if( device == NULL ) return -5; // or whatever < 0 * strcpy( device, s ); * */ int config_has_section( char *sectionname ); /* Checks if a specified section exists. * Returns whether it exists. */ int config_has_key( char *sectionname, char *keyname ); /* Checks if a specified key within the specified section exists. * Returns the number of times the key exists. */ void config_clear(); /* Clears all data stored by the config_read_* functions. * Should be called if the config should be reread. */ #endif