/* * input.c * This file is part of LCDd, the lcdproc server. * * This file is released under the GNU General Public License. Refer to the * COPYING file distributed with this package. * * Copyright (c) 1999, William Ferrell, Scott Scriven * 2003, Joris Robijn * * * Handles keypad (and other?) input from the user. */ #include #include #include #include "shared/sockets.h" #include "shared/report.h" #include "shared/configfile.h" #include "drivers.h" #include "client.h" #include "screenlist.h" #include "menuscreens.h" #include "input.h" #include "render.h" /* For server_msg* */ LinkedList * keylist; char * toggle_rotate_key; char * prev_screen_key; char * next_screen_key; char * scroll_up_key; char * scroll_down_key; /* Local functions */ int server_input (int key); void input_send_to_client (Client * c, char * key); void input_internal_key (char * key); int input_init() { debug (RPT_DEBUG, "%s()", __FUNCTION__ ); keylist = LL_new(); /* Get rotate/scroll keys from config file */ toggle_rotate_key = strdup (config_get_string ("server", "ToggleRotateKey", 0, "Enter")); prev_screen_key = strdup (config_get_string ("server", "PrevScreenKey", 0, "Left")); next_screen_key = strdup (config_get_string ("server", "NextScreenKey", 0, "Right")); scroll_up_key = strdup (config_get_string ("server", "ScrollUpKey", 0, "Up")); scroll_down_key = strdup (config_get_string ("server", "ScrollDownKey", 0, "Down")); return 0; } int input_shutdown() { if (!keylist) { /* Program shutdown before completed startup */ return -1; } free (keylist); free (toggle_rotate_key); free (prev_screen_key); free (next_screen_key); free (scroll_up_key); free (scroll_down_key); return 0; } int handle_input () { char * key; Screen * current_screen; Client * current_client; Client * target; KeyReservation * kr; debug (RPT_DEBUG, "%s()", __FUNCTION__ ); current_screen = screenlist_current(); if( current_screen ) current_client = current_screen->client; else current_client = NULL; /* Handle all keypresses */ while ((key = drivers_get_key ()) != NULL ) { /* Find what client wants the key */ kr = input_find_key (key, current_client); if (kr) { /* A hit ! */ report (RPT_DEBUG, "%s: reserved key: \"%.40s\"", __FUNCTION__, key ); target = kr->client; } else { report (RPT_DEBUG, "%s: left over key: \"%.40s\"", __FUNCTION__, key ); /*target = current_client;*/ target = NULL; /* left-over keys are always for internal client */ } if (target == NULL) { report (RPT_DEBUG, "%s: key is for internal client", __FUNCTION__ ); input_internal_key (key); } else { /* It's an external client */ report (RPT_DEBUG, "%s: key is for external client on socket %d", __FUNCTION__, target->sock ); input_send_to_client (target, key); } } return 0; } void input_send_to_client (Client * c, char * key) { char * s; debug (RPT_DEBUG, "%s( client=[%d], key=\"%.40s\" )", __FUNCTION__, c->sock, key); /* Allocate just as much as we need */ s = malloc (strlen(key) + strlen("key \n") + 1); sprintf(s, "key %s\n", key); sock_send_string(c->sock, s); free (s); } void input_internal_key (char * key) { if( is_menu_key(key) || screenlist_current() == menuscreen ) { menuscreen_key_handler(key); } else { /* Keys are for scrolling or rotating */ if( strcmp(key,toggle_rotate_key) == 0 ) { autorotate = !autorotate; if( autorotate ) { server_msg( "Rotate", 4 ); } else { server_msg( "Hold", 4 ); } } else if( strcmp(key,prev_screen_key) == 0 ) { screenlist_goto_prev (); server_msg( "Prev", 4 ); } else if( strcmp(key,next_screen_key) == 0 ) { screenlist_goto_next (); server_msg( "Next", 4 ); } else if( strcmp(key,scroll_up_key) == 0 ) { } else if( strcmp(key,scroll_down_key) == 0 ) { } } } int input_reserve_key (char * key, bool exclusive, Client * client) { KeyReservation * kr; debug (RPT_DEBUG, "%s( key=\"%.40s\", exclusive=%d, client=[%d] )", __FUNCTION__, key, exclusive, (client?client->sock:-1)); /* Find out if this key is already reserved in a way that interferes * with the new reservation. */ for (kr=LL_GetFirst(keylist); kr; kr=LL_GetNext(keylist)) { if (strcmp (kr->key, key) == 0) { if (kr->exclusive || exclusive) { /* Sorry ! */ return -1; } } } /* We can now safely add it ! */ kr = malloc (sizeof(KeyReservation)); kr->key = strdup (key); kr->exclusive = exclusive; kr->client = client; LL_Push(keylist, kr); report (RPT_INFO, "Key \"%.40s\" is now reserved in %s mode by client [%d]", key, (exclusive?"exclusive":"shared"), (client?client->sock:-1)); return 0; } void input_release_key (char * key, Client * client) { KeyReservation * kr; debug (RPT_DEBUG, "%s( key=\"%.40s\", client=[%d] )", __FUNCTION__, key, (client?client->sock:-1)); for (kr=LL_GetFirst(keylist); kr; kr=LL_GetNext(keylist)) { if (kr->client == client && strcmp (kr->key, key) == 0) { free (kr->key); free (kr); LL_DeleteNode (keylist); report (RPT_INFO, "Key \"%.40s\" was reserved in %s mode by client [%d] and is now released", key, (kr->exclusive?"exclusive":"shared"), (client?client->sock:-1)); return; } } } void input_release_client_keys (Client * client) { KeyReservation * kr; debug (RPT_DEBUG, "%s( client=[%d] )", __FUNCTION__, (client?client->sock:-1)); kr=LL_GetFirst(keylist); while (kr) { if (kr->client == client) { report (RPT_INFO, "Key \"%.40s\" was reserved in %s mode by client [%d] and is now released", kr->key, (kr->exclusive?"exclusive":"shared"), (client?client->sock:-1)); free (kr->key); free (kr); LL_DeleteNode (keylist); kr = LL_Get (keylist); } else { kr = LL_GetNext(keylist); } } } KeyReservation * input_find_key (char * key, Client * client) { KeyReservation * kr; debug (RPT_DEBUG, "%s( key=\"%.40s\", client=[%d] )", __FUNCTION__, key, (client?client->sock:-1)); for (kr=LL_GetFirst(keylist); kr; kr=LL_GetNext(keylist)) { if (strcmp (kr->key, key) == 0) { if (kr->exclusive || client==kr->client) { return kr; } } } return NULL; }